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Lucy Hyland is your healthy eating expert. She works with individuals to create tailored food solutions to improve health. She works with the food sector to design health based recipes and to promote the link between food and health.
Lucy Hyland : Food For Living

What this section is about ….

September 22, 2023 10:10 pm
posted by Lucy

For people who confused about the various messages out there on food and health and or are often overwhelmed the amount of research and studies they hear about. Many just want to learn some practical tips on healthy eating and how to incorporate good wholesome food into their daily lives. These pages can be used by those are just learning how to cook or for people who are always wanting to expand their range of recipes.

Ever stuck with ideas on what you want for your next meal. Find it difficult to plan ahead. Each week, this section will grow as I send you a newsletter with information on that week’s “Star Ingredient”, with information on why this food is so healthy, and recipes on how best to prepare and create dishes. In addition, there will always be a few health tips for you to try out.

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