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Nutrition Therapy

"Back to You" takes nutrition therapy to a whole new level

I have designed the "Back to You" programme to take nutrition therapy beyond the simply model of changing your diet. The programme is about creative health solutions, putting you firmly in the centre of your own life, and your own health.

Step by Step Guide to a Holistic Diet:


Setting the scene: Initial nutrition therapy questionnaire: This will cover all the basics of what has brought you to here, including a 3 day food diary showing us where to start. xxxxxx

Going Deeper: Up to 5 Focused Skype sessions. This is where the great work happens: Your hour long awareness, food and health and image making session, helping to build a connection between you and your health and shining a light on where you need to focus.xxxxxx

Creative Health Solutions: Image making: Drawing an image of where you are with your health often opens doors of awareness of what is really important to you and how best to move forward. Its about creating a pathway towards health that is unique to you.xxxxxx

Your Advocate: Weekly support for your Holistic Diet: I'll be there every step of the way. I'll touch base every week of the nutrition program so that you can keep the energy moving and keep focused on where you are heading. Support might include short Skype sessions or emails including exercises, tailored recipes/balanced meal suggestions or the information you need to move forward.

Cost: €199 a month for 3 month programme

nutrition program with wellbeing coach

"I cant believe it took me this long to do a programme like this! I've always been interested in food and health, but despite this, I always seemed to be near the bottom of my own list. This course wasn't just about choosing healthier choices, it was about learning to listen to me: my needs and my desires around my own health. Lucy's programme was the perfect place to bring together years of reading and information gathering, and actually applying it in a way that finally put me back in the centre of my life" Patricia, Reading


"Once I asked myself the right questions, with the help of Lucy, I was amazed at how easily I recognised my patterns. From this place, change was much more straight forward than it had been in the past" Mary, Alicante

"I was so tired chasing the latest craze diet in search of health. this program allowed me to come back to myself. I look and feel better since the course. I know what is right for me" Jane, Dublin "Its great to feel back in control and to have a range of recipes and meals at hand to suit my tastes, and more importantly, my lifestyle. They have been designed especially for me" Anita, Lisbon


"I finally found time to focus on myself. I took the time to listen to what my body needs, rather than what I think I want" Janice, London


FREE 15 minute initial consultation:Is this personalised nutrition program right for you? Is it the right time and am I the right nutritionist? These are great questions to start asking yourself. If you are interested in having a conversation to touch base on where you are at, please contact me on for more.