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Lucy Hyland : Food For Living

Cooking & Health

  • [+]Healthy Eating Recipes (166)
  • [+]Healthy Eating tips (56)
  • Newsletters/Blogs (189)
  • Recipies by Ingredients (10)
  • Secrets of healthy eating (13)


I’ll build up this page with useful sites as I come across them. Some are focused on healthy eating, others are just general resources for food and health:



The River Cottage website. Its packed full of great seasonal recipes and everything you need to know about going sustainable and growing your own!

OK, you might consider this quite sad, but I just love this website - the name alone should give it away!! It give you inforamtion on almost every type of fruit and vegetable in terms of healthy eating, what counts as a cut or portion size and recipe ideas.

For more information on the various types of fat, including information on trans fats, read

Tuesday 6th April

Just thought I’d share with you Donal Skehan’s food blog – I love this guys enthusiams and love of good Irish food – there should be chef’s out there like this guy!! Enjoy him too…

Wednesday 7th April, 2010

I’m starting to get quite a few requests to do home based demos around the country – I know so few people are blending the cookery demonstrations with specific health issues. Its great to be able to give people advice on healthy eating in the relaxed home environment.

I found this site today – its nationwide so you might find it a useful resource in terms of chefs near you, suppliers or cookery schools:

Friday 30th April

I’ve just found this great website, funded by the HSE. Its got some good ideas and is worth checking out… There recipes are ok but I love their meal planners…

Monday - May 17th

I’ve just found this great PDF on the Bord Bia website and thought I’d share it

My only tip would be:

Where they fry things in oil, for example the lamb burgers, I would suggest putting in the oven at 180 for 20 mins. Cooking in oil has been linked to increased rates of heart disease.

They also tend to start many of their dishes with a saute of onions and oil or vegetables in oil. Here you can have a healthy saute with the onions or veggies in a little water - again, it takes out the need for heating the oil.

For healthy eating, chose extra virgin olive il and keep it cool for your salads!