Nutritionist Lucy Hyland

Category Archives: Healthy Eating Recipes

Carrot and Sweet Potato Soup

January 13, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Its January. Its cold. Everything around me is screaming slow down, comfort,enjoy and take time out. So its the perfect to make a big bowl of soup and nourish your soul. I’m trying to keep a cold at bay so I want something filled with antioxidants to boost my immune system and naturally warming properties. […]

Green Smoothie Recipes

July 16, 2023
Posted by Lucy

A range of Green Smoothie Recipes to get you started: Smoothies can be a great way of boosting your daily diet with extra nutrients. In order to get the most of your smoothies, I’ve put together a few basic tips: Smoothies are a great booster, but they are not a meal. Use them as a […]

Avocado, Orange and Chicken Salad

March 16, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Its not very often I crave salad in the winter, I tend to be attracted to warmer foods. Yet, on this day, I saw a range of ingredients in my kitchen and just started putting them together - I loved the result! Do you notice that you crave certain foods at certain times of the […]

Healthy Lunch Ideas: Roasted Parsnip Soup

September 24, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Roasted Parsnip soup: As the autumn air and the shorter nights approach, I am drawn towards warmer foods and soups. Roasting vegetables before adding to soup can be a great way of enhancing the taste and making the soup richer. I have used root ginger to add even more warmth to this roasted parsnip soup […]

Healthy Breakfasts - Polenta porridge

February 27, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Why polenta porridge? I came down to breakfast today, only to realise I’d run out of oats! But wanting a nice bowl of piping hot winter grains, I searched the cupboards for some options. I found a box of polenta and thought about turning it into some porridge. I created the tastiest breakfast of a […]

Carrot and Red Lentil Soup

September 18, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Carrot and Red Lentil Soup: Well, its turning wintery and our tastes are starting to change! I’ve had salad leaves for a week in the fridge, untouched, and all I want is warm comforting foods. Food can be warming in two main ways. They are hot in temperature (soups, stews and roasts are perfect) or […]

Chocolate peanut squares

May 21, 2023
Posted by Lucy

  The first thing I do when I look at a dessert recipe is think: how can I take as much sugar out of this and still keep the flavour. I also always try to make a wheat or gluten free version of it. I loved these chocolate peanut squares when my sister gave me […]

No Added Sugar Recipes from Today Show

May 19, 2023
Posted by Lucy

I’ve have loads of requests for my ‘no added sugar’ recipes from the Today show! Here they are below - try them out and enjoy. Just remember that many fruits, root vegetables and many nuts and grains are naturally sweet and can be easily used as a sugar substitute. You can also use flavours such […]

Wheat free ‘Rye’ drop scones

March 11, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Rye Wheat Free Scones Since Christmas, I’ve been keeping myself as wheat-free as possible and I’m finding it is suiting me well. Much less ‘full feeling’ after eating and much less uncomfortable bloated-ness. The one area I miss wheat is in the bread department - perhaps something to start the day with or have with […]

Cranberry Sauce

December 19, 2023
Posted by Lucy

This is a sugar free cranberry sauce which is very tasty and fits with your Christmas healthy eating plan. The root ginger is a great way of boosting your immune system over Christmas, the orange zest will provide your liver with some added support and the cinnamon will provide you will some lovely antioxidant support. […]

Recipe for cheese scones

November 29, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Anyone in the mood for some comfort food? I designed this recipe for cheese scones just for this! These cold days just lend themselves to huge bowls of soup and hot scones. Scones can be given a bad wrap from a health perspective. They can be filled with sugar, white flour, and dried fruit. As […]

Spiced Turnip Cake

November 15, 2023
Posted by Lucy

The story behind the…. Spiced Turnip Cake The idea of sneaking ingredients that you or your family might not like into foods is not new. Nor is the idea of packing some of our favourite foods with nutrient high ingredients to get more bang for our buck. I am always experimenting with ways of getting […]

Swiss Chard, Apple and Pear salad

October 2, 2023
Posted by Lucy

PrintSwiss Chard, Apple and Pear Salad Ingredients1 pear, chopped 1 apple, chopped A few large leaves of swiss chard 1 tablespoon of whole linseeds/flaxseeds 5 dates, chopped into tiny pieces Dressing: 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1 clove garlic, minced 1 tbsp red vinegar or apple cider vinegar 1/2 lemons, squeezed 1 pinch salt […]

Quinoa Salad Recipes with Beetroot

September 4, 2023
Posted by Lucy

The story with quinoa salad recipes… I’ve just finished a fabulous yoga and nutrition workshop at Kinsale Yoga Centre. The theme of the workshop was ‘Enhancing Vitality’ and the aim of the workshop was to show people how both food and yoga could be used to help you stay well this autumn. From a food […]

Protein rich baked bean recipe

July 10, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Protein rich baked bean recipe I’ve been doing so much cooking lately while I’m designing recipes for my meal plans that I’ve been thinking about the most important principles of eating for health. At the same time I have been writing the content for my blog series on losing weight. So I’ve decided to tie it […]

Butternut squash and smoked mackerel pot

January 9, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Butternut squash and smoked mackerel pot I’m sure you are all filled with great intentions for this year and may I wish you every success in achieving your goals. when it comes to eating well, this year I’ll be continuing to give you plenty of tips, recipe ideas and assistance with eating great healthy and […]

Chilli and Garlic Brussels Sprouts

December 22, 2023
Posted by Lucy

The Muscles of Brussels This week I’ll be talking about one of the most powerfully beneficial greens for our health. The Brussels sprout is synonymous with Christmas dinners but given their positive impact on health, you should make them a vegetable for throughout the winter. Brussels sprouts health benefits are far reaching. The fibre in […]

Turkey and Vegetable Chilli

December 15, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Turkey and Vegetable Chilli This week I’ll be talking about good old turkey. So what is there to know? Firstly, turkey is considered a ‘white meat’, along with chicken, and, in health terms, is considered differently to its ‘red meat’ friends such as beef and lamb. Where red meats have been connected to digestive problems such […]

Cranberry Relish

December 8, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Cranberry Cheer Coming up to Christmas can be time of great excess! For some it’s great fun, but for others, there is a worry about gaining weight and controlling appetite. However, Christmas is actually filled with healthy ingredients that can help achieve a balance with all of the other ingredients. Over the next few weeks […]

Diet and Chemotherapy - Banana and Spinach Smoothie

December 8, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Diet and Chemotherapy I’m getting more and more requests from people and organisations to develop recipes and menus for people undergoing chemotherapy - they want to know more about diet and chemotherapy. It can be a time when appetite is low and eating can be difficult. And yet, it is a time when eating a […]

Roasted Squash Soup

November 18, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Naturally sweetening with Roasted Squash Soup I had a conversation with someone recently about one of my sweet potato soup recipes. The feedback was the soup didn’t taste very sweet and was a little tasteless. When I started asking questions, I realised that the sweet potato used was quite white inside and sounded under ripe. […]

Chickpea and Butternut Squash Stew

November 10, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Cooking with Winter squashes: Chickpea and butternut squash stew The pumpkin frenzy of the last few weeks has reminded me about the great variety of squashes and pumpkins we have available in Ireland. At this time of year, these colourful vegetables are ideal for winter soups, stews and warm salads. The added benefit is that […]

Cauliflower and Roasted Beet Salad

November 3, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Supporting Detox with Cauliflower and Roasted Beet Salad The word detox is an overused and sometimes misunderstood term. It is one of the questions I get asked most about when I am doing talks or discussing the role food plays in health. The body needs to process and detoxify itself in order to keep the body in […]

Healthy Breakfasts Ideas- Rice Bake

October 27, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Background story for healthy breakfast ideas Many of the people who come to see me in my Nutrition Clinic do not eat breakfast or eat a breakfast that is not complete. The skipping of breakfast results in a range of behaviours later in the day, mainly overeating, reduced energy levels and craving sweet foods. In […]

Flaxseed and Apple Pancakes

October 20, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Flaxseed and Apple Pancakes Flaxseeds are becoming more and more popular in health food stores and supermarkets and it’s no wonder! Nuts and seeds always seems to top the chart in terms of health benefits, being a great source of protein, good quality fats and a range of nutrients. However, flaxseeds provide something a little […]

Parsnip and Haricot bean Soup

October 13, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Parsnip and Haricot bean Soup The Autumn is well underway and I’ve just received my first batch of parsnips from my community growers scheme. I’ve realised that is it becomes colder, our tastes begin to change and our eating patterns change with it. Root vegetables seem to sum up winter eating: whether you are talking […]

Chickpea and Chorizo stew

October 6, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Bean rich Chickpea and Chorizo Stew Anyone who reads my recipes, either in my weekly column or on my website, will know how much I use beans in my favourite healthy dishes. Whether it is blending them to make a dip, adding them to my stews or casseroles or thickening my soups with them, they […]

Sweet potato and sage soup

September 29, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Sweet Potato soup OK, there is no denying it. We are starting to put on the heating and light the fires. As the weather starts to get more wintery, we change our wardrobes and also our eating habits. To help us stay warm this winter, we naturally begin to eat more soups, stews and casseroles, […]

Blueberry Yogurt with Toasted Cashews

September 22, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Blueberry Yogurt with Toasted Cashews I’m very excited about the work that I am currently doing with Urru Culinary Store in Bandon. I was brought into the store to take a look at their menus, and make suggestions on how to put health at the centre of these. As a store committed to providing only […]

Blackberry Tart

September 15, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Raw Blackberry Tart I’ve been walking a lot over the last few weeks and have realised that there is a constant form of snack food along the way – the blackberries in the bushes! This is the perfect time of year to get out there and start foraging for your food. With a range of […]

Healthy breakfast - Oat Bran Recipes

September 9, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Background story I always feel like the start of September is a little like New Years Day. The holidays are over, the kids are back at school and it’s time to start back into your new habits and goals. For those who might have gone a little excessive this summer, fear not! You can start […]

Tasty feta and mango crackers

August 11, 2023
Posted by Lucy

If anyone sees a crazy looking women in the shops taking photos of labels, well that’s me! Slowly over the course of the summer I’ve had to challenge all my assumptions about particular shops, particular brands and particular foods! I’ve learn that shopping well really does come down to one thing – reading the label. […]

Raspberry Crumble

August 4, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Questioning cereals with a Raspberry Crumble The response that I’m getting to my “Cheat and still stay healthy” campaign this summer is great. I am becoming more and more aware of the importance of reading the packets of the foods that we eat. It is only through reading the ingredient list and the nutritional information […]

Using Yogurt Dip as a dressing

July 29, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Yogurt dressing and dip What is interesting about the comparisons I’m doing at the moment across various food products is how there are no rules! There is no one brand or any one supermarket that is better than others. It really comes down to reading labels and paying attention to back of the product as […]

Handy Hummus Wrap

July 21, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Handy Hummus Wrap I must admit, I do think that hummus is one of the handiest dips. I have about 10 different ones on my website, using different beans, spices and citrus flavours. One of the reason why I feel it is so useful is that it can be used as a spread, a […]

Rice and Pesto salad

July 14, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Pesto Perfection I initially started thinking about looking at different products on the shelves as a result of the many questions I get asked in my nutrition centre. People have a tendency to bring in packets or jars that they have found and ask me whether they are ‘healthy’ or not. A few weeks ago, […]

Smoked salmon with Rocket salsa

July 8, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Smoked salmon with Rocket salsa Last year, I ran an ‘Eat real food this summer’ campaign where I showed everyone just how easy it was to make more nutritious and tasty versions of the food they would usually find in jars and packets. All of those recipes are still available on This summer, I’m […]

Healthy Salad Dressing

June 17, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Healthy Salad Dressing I was talking to a girl the other day at my nutrition clinic. She was telling me how much easier it was to stay focused on healthy eating during the summer. She felt that the season was filled with salads and the variety of fruit, making them a more natural choice. Not […]

Asparagus Heaven

June 9, 2023
Posted by Lucy

  Starting again with good health It’s like all of a sudden the new season has started! In the markets, delis and supermarkets, we have the first round of the new crops from Spring. It’s so great to see all of the tasty local produce coming from Irish fields that have been recently pickled and […]

New Potato Salad

June 3, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Friday 3rd June Check out my article in the Cork Independent featuring asparagus or read below: The New Year of Food It’s almost like New Years Eve again. We are finished with May, the ‘Hungry Month’, where the crops from the last growing season have come to an end while the new round of […]

Bircher Muesli

May 26, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Thursday 26th May Check out my article today in the Cork Independent on how to keep your energy going all morning or read below: Keeping the energy going I’m off to a national school next week to talk about the role of food in children’s health. I’ll be talking to them about how what […]

Carla’s Pea and Mint soup

May 20, 2023
Posted by Lucy

The Perfect Pea I was out to lunch the other day as part of the Network Cork’s Business Womens awards, where some of Cork’s top business women were awarded for all their hard work and success. It was a fabulous lunch, at Augustines restaurant at the Clarion, and one of the things on the menu […]

Sweet potato chips

May 13, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Friday 13th May Check out my article in today’s Cork Independent or read below: Trying Something New I’ve been having an ongoing discussion with Cork Independent’s Editor, Deirdre O Shaughnessy, about the great taste of sweet potatoes. I had done a sweet potato recipe that had involved baking the potato and Deirdre didn’t like […]

Spring Lamb chops with salsa

May 5, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Thursday 5th May Today’s recipe has been tried and tested by the Cork Indo’s Editor Deirdre O’ Shauchnessy during the week and got the thumbs up!!!!! Give it a try yourself and let me know how you go - Irish lamb is just gorgeous at the moment and is full of nutrients! Or read […]

Hay fever busting stir fry

April 29, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Friday 29th April Check out my article in the Cork Independent today or read below: Something in the air There has been something in the air for the last few weeks and I think it’s something other than love… Sneezing, itchy eyes and running noses generally mean one thing: that hay fever time of year. […]

Chocolate Strawberries

April 22, 2024
Posted by Lucy

  I went shopping for chocolate last week and was amazed at the wide variety of chocolate available on the market. Rather than shop in the supermarkets, I thought I’d support local producers. So off I went, firstly to Eve’s Chocolates in Dennehy’s Cross, and then into O’Connaills chocolate shop in town. In both these places, […]

Whole wheat pasta salad

April 14, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Thursday 14th April, Check out article today in the Cork Independent or read below: I hear one excuse over and over again from clients. They say ‘I come home and open the cupboards to make my meal and there is nothing to eat’. It is so important to keep your cupboards regularly stocked and […]

Home made garam massala

April 8, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Friday 8th April Check out my article in the Cork Independent or read below: Making your own flavourings In many ways, my job is simple. People come and see me each week wanting to improve their health through the foods they are eating. They want to change their current habits and ask me to […]

Gluten free Quinoa Porridge

April 1, 2024
Posted by Lucy

This week, as I keep wheat out of my diet, I’ve been experimenting with a range of grains. I’ve decided to keep gluten away from my breakfasts and having been exploring a variety of other whole grains to eat. So what are some options? One thing I noticed about several people that come into my […]

Leek and Butternut soup

Thursday 24th March Check out my article in today’s Cork Independent on one pot wonders or read below: One pot wonders I was making up a soup the other day as part of my Spring detox programme, hoping I could put the complete meal into the one pot. I have taken out wheat and […]

Fast Roasted Hake with Parsley, Oregano, Chilli and Lime

March 16, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Healthy Hake Recipes I spent last Saturday having the best time down at the Good Things Cafe in Durrus, West Cork. There, Carmel Somers, the owner of the cafe and excellent teacher, shared her wisdom and knowledge about the beauty of fish and how best to cook it. Having spent the day sampling a range […]

Banana bread recipe

March 10, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Alternatives to something sweet Lent is often a time when people consider the habits they have and which ones they feel would be good to give up! Often, sweets and chocolates are top of the list or things to give up. So are there any alternatives in terms of sweet things to enjoy? One of […]

Pancakes full of goodness - Pear and Buckwheat

March 7, 2024
Posted by Lucy

  Eggs are an important part of the diet and for those who do not have any allergies to them, they are an essential source of nutrients. And what better way to enjoy them than in pancakes! Eggs are a complete form of protein, a great source of selenium (a powerful antioxidant) and iodine and can […]

Smoked salmon salad

March 3, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Thursday 3rd March Check out my article and recipe in today’s Cork Independent or read below: Changing a habit Most people who come into my nutrition clinic have one thing in common – they want to change a habit. This habit is usually focused on the way that they eat. They know that they […]

Broccoli and Leek Omelette recipe

February 24, 2024
Posted by Lucy

The Beauty of Broccoli Fruits and vegetables are amazing foods. The more we learn about them, the more we realise that they bring with them all sorts of health benefits. Not only do they contain vitamin and minerals, antioxidants and phytonutrients (powerful anti-oxidants) but they also contain different types of fibre that help to keep […]

Stewed Pear

February 15, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Pear Power To me, this time of year is a great time for pears. Whether they are chopped over bowl of porridge in the morning, stewed little with a little grated root ginger or poached in the oven, pears are great winter fruits. Yet there is much more to the common pear than you think. […]

Red Kidney Bean and Brown Rice salad

February 3, 2024
Posted by Lucy

I know you are probably tired of hearing about carbs but they are crucial to health and especially weight loss. I often talk about the importance of choosing complex carbohydrates over refined grains. I got several questions back regarding what a complex carbohydrate actually is. Understanding the processing of grains is useful in order to […]

Homemade whole wheat brown scones

January 27, 2024
Posted by Lucy

In my nutrition clinic, I often spend time talking about the basic principles food and health. People are often confused about terms such as protein, they wonder about the various types of fat and they often get confused about the issue of carbohydrates and sugars. These basic principles are actually the key to healthy eating […]

Beetroot Tzatziki Dip

January 26, 2024
Posted by Lucy

I’ve found the best beetroots this winter - I’m not sure if the frost brought out all the sweetness. Not only have I been cooking with them an awful lot but I have also been reminding myself of just how great they are… Not only are beetroots a great source of fibre but they are also packed […]

Carrot and Beetroot soup

January 20, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Thursday 26th January Check out my article in today’s Cork Independent for some simple and easy to use tips on how to stay hydrated throughout the day. The article also discusses why drinking enough water during the day is so important in terms of health. Check out fluid filled soup below, one of my favourites […]

Asian Broccoli Soup

January 13, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Thursday 13th January Check out my article today in the Cork Independent, teaching you how to pack the goodness in to what you are eating: I’ve also wrote a great Asian Broccoli soup which is packed full of broccoli goodness.I often promote broccoli and all green leafy vegetables as part of people’s healthy eating […]

Split Pea Pate

January 6, 2024
Posted by Lucy

January 6th Split Pea Pate 1 tin of yellow or green split peas – drained and rinsed 1 dessert spoon of tahini Juice of half a lemon ¼ teaspoon of ground cumin ¼ teaspoon of paprika 1 garlic - crushed Sea salt and black pepper Place all ingredients in a blender and whiz for 1-2 […]

Sweet Potato and Butterbean soup

December 25, 2023
Posted by Lucy

December 10th Sweet Potato and Butterbean soup 1 tin of butterbeans (washed) 3 medium sweet potatoes (peeled and chopped) 2 small onions (chopped) 1 inch fresh root ginger (grated) ½ teaspoon ground cumin 2 cloves of garlic (crushed) Sea salt and pepper to taste 1 litre of boiling water Place the onions in a large saucepan […]

Tasty Kale or Collard Greens

December 23, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Kale is a great vegetable for the liver and for a healthy digestive tract. Collard greens are in the same family and can also be cooked like this: Tasty Kale ¼ teaspoon ground cumin seeds ¼ teaspoon ground coriander seeds ¼ teaspoon of turmeric 1 clove of garlic - crushed 1 small bag or 150g […]

Boosting your Immune System with Parsley Dip

December 16, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Parsley Dip This is a great time of year for the colour green! Do you notice the fresh herbs are starting to get cheaper and more plentiful in the shops? I even notice the bags are getting bigger. Summer is the perfect time to boost your fresh herbs consumption. Not only are they packed full […]

Leek and Parsnip soup

December 1, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Wednesday December 1st Check out my blog today on Local markets or see below: Leeks are part of a family called the Allium, containing its great cousins garlic, onions and shallots and chives. This family is well-known for its health benefits and its great if you try to include these in your diet everyday. Why? This family contains […]

Spagetti Squash soup

November 24, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Wednesday 24th November Check out my article today on for Local markets: We are really in the thick of winter and soup season is in full swing!! I got spaghetti squash in my veggie box the other day and found it lovely. To be honest, it looks just like any other squash but is more […]

Dealing with Picky Eaters with Meatballs

November 18, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Thursday 18th November Check out my article today in the Cork Independent for some tips on how to deal with picky eaters. I’m talking to a group of parents tomorrow about food and health and their kids, as part of the school’s healthy eating programme. My talk will cover picky eaters the basic principles […]

Celeriac and Carrot soup

November 17, 2023
Posted by Lucy

  Wednesday 17th November Check out the blog I’ve just posted on the Local markets website: I’ve been getting celeriac for a few weeks now in my veggie box and am starting to get into them. The first few week I simply steam themed and then mashed them up, providing a very nice base to […]

Mushy Roast Garlic and Cherry Tomato Pasta

November 15, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Monday 15th November I just found this on the Good Food Mood Blog and loved it!! I would always ensure that I was having protein with my meal so would add a handful of red kidney beans or a tin of tuna to this. Mushy Roast Garlic and Cherry Tomato Pasta Serving this little supper […]

Fish with Spicy Tomato sauce

November 11, 2023
Posted by Lucy

  Fish with Spicy Tomato sauce 2 fillets of white fish (cod, haddock, whiting) 6 medium tomatoes 2 cloves of garlic (optional) - 1 medium onion – finely chopped 1 teaspoon ground cumin ½ teaspoon ground coriander ¼ teaspoon turmeric ½ teaspoon chilli powder Preheat oven to 180 oc Place the onions in a saucepan […]

Lime and Cumin Hummus

November 10, 2023
Posted by Lucy

  Cumin and Lime Hummus 125g dried chickpeas or 1 tin of chickpeas Juice of 1 lime 1 garlic clove, crushed 1 tablespoon tahini 2 tablespoons of Extra Virgin Olive Oil ½ teaspoon of ground cumin Sea Salt and freshly cracked pepper If using dried chickpeas, prepare the night before. Put a saucepan of water on […]

Carrot, butter bean and Celeriac Curry

November 3, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Wednesday 3rd November Check out my blog today on Local Markets for some interesting facts about carrots!!! Below is the curry I did… I’ve been eating it all week and its lovely and tasty! I adapted this recipe from a Jamie Oliver recipe I found - I am always looking for easy curries and this one […]

2 minute breakfast porridge

October 28, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Thursday 28th October After hearing too many excuses about my clients no having time for breakfast, I came up with this easy and quick porridge that you can make yourself. No more excuses…. Two minute porridge One cup of oats (ordinary rolled oats or oat groats/bits) Two cups of water or milk of your choice […]

Pumpkin and coconut soup

October 27, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Wednesday October 27th I’m loving the recipe for local markets this week - Halloween is such a great time of year.. I think pumpkin goes great with those warming spices such as ginger, garlic, chilli or cumin… I’ve adapted this from Global Gourmet Pumpkin and Coconut soup 1 medium (peeled and cubed) pumpkin – remember to cut […]

Black Bean burgers

October 21, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Thursday 21st October Check our my article today in the Cork Independent to find out about how a nutrition consultation can help you achieve your health aims. I’ve also got a great bean burger recipe which is one of my favourites at the moment - its also a great hit with kids!! Bean burgers […]

Smoked salmon, beetroot, potato and cress salad recipe

October 20, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Wednesday 20th October Check out my blog today on website. After going to their launch on Monday night I was very impressed by this tasty smoked salmon! I’ve adapted this recipe from Tigerlily.. its delicious! Smoked salmon, beetroot, potato and cress salad recipe 1 packet of 400g old Millbank organic smoked salmon, cut into strips […]

Healthy Yogurt Pizza Dough Recipes

October 14, 2023
Posted by Lucy

In the below recipe, you can use anything for a topping. I generally try to reduce down the cheese topping and generally use pesto with chopped peppers, sauted onions with olives or thinly sliced tomatoes with fresh basil. Every time I do this recipe the consistency is different so if you feel this is too […]

The Benefits of Oats with Berry Porridge

October 13, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Oats are just the whizz kids of breakfast cereals and so try to eat a good few times a week over the winter months. Before I tell you about all the great health benefits of oats, I’m going to tell you about the key types of oats that you can buy. I started my oat […]

Lamb shanks with adzuki bean and sweet potatoes

October 8, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Friday October 8th After an extremely busy but worthwhile 3 day CorkMeet, I barely had time to write my article Local markets. Check it out for loads of healthy information on sweet potatoes and check out the reipce below - its delicious: Lamb Shanks with Sweet Potato stew Serves 2 Like most people who are interested […]

Courgette scones

September 30, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Courgette and Cheese scones I find courgettes are at their best at the height of summer. They are sweet enough to chop or grate into salads. I also find that they are often on special offer, which means I have a few handfuls of them in my fridge. Courgettes are a great addition to breads, […]

Courgette and Halloumi Salad

September 29, 2023
Posted by Lucy

    This week I’m going to talk about courgettes. We’ve had the sweetest courgettes for the summer and I’ve mostly been eating them raw, grated in a salad or sliced up in a pitta bread. However, as the season comes to an end, I’ve been roasting them up for the top of my Autumn […]

Coconut rice pudding

September 23, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Last week I did a lovely stewed apple which I sweetened with cinnamon. Cinnamon is a great natural sweetener which I often use instead of sugar. However, the health benefits of cinnamon are becoming more and more well known and it’s certainly a great spice to use for healthy eating. So where do the benefits […]

Raspberry and Coconut muffins

September 22, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Wednesday 22nd September Check out my article today on For a sample of what to expect, see below: I’m not sure I should be covering raspberries as we only have a week or two left of them but I can’t help it. We’ve such lovely berries at the moment that much of what I’ll talk […]

Beef and Adzuki Stew

September 17, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Friday 17th September Check out my blog today on where I give healthy eating tips and hints on beans and lentils. I’ve also put a lovely stew, perfect for the evenings that are getting cooler. Check it out below: Cooking: Whether you are buying tinned or dried, please wash them thoroughly before use. If […]

Stewed apple

September 16, 2023
Posted by Lucy

    Homemade stewed apple Most people tend to use sugar when they stew apple. What I tend to do is simply use eating apples as they are naturally sweet. 4 medium eating apples ½ tsp cinnamon ¼ teaspoon of dried ginger A dash of ground nutmeg Chop the apples into similar shaped cubes and […]

Crispy Kale

September 10, 2023
Posted by Lucy

I’m not sure if I should even call this a recipe as it contains so few ingredients!! I rarely use oil in cooking but sometimes you want that crispy taste and with crispy kale - it goes perfectly. I find a great way of getting extra vegetables into my diet (making sure I’m getting as […]


September 9, 2023
Posted by Lucy

There is also a yummy recipe for guacamole… one of my favourite dips! Homemade guacamole 3 avocados – peeled, stones removed and mashed 1 lime – juiced 1 small handful of fresh coriander (optional) 2 tomatoes – diced 1 clove of garlic 2 teaspoons of yogurt A pinch of salt and black pepper A pinch […]

Chicken and fresh tomato casserole

September 8, 2023
Posted by Lucy

  Chicken and fresh tomato casserole - Serves 6 1 small chicken - jointed into 8 pieces or 6 chicken breasts 2 large onions - peeled and thinly sliced 650 g of fresh ripe tomatoes - chopped 1 tin of chickpeas - drained and washed well 2 garlic cloves - crushed 1 tbsp of tomato […]

A basic curry recipe

September 2, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Thursday 2nd September Check out my article today in the Cork Independent for an easy and tasty curry to have this weekend. Just one tip with this - I added 2 cups of puy lentils to mine to increase the fibre content of the dish - thats about a tin if you are buying canned. […]

Roasted tomato and pinto bean salad

September 1, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Wednesday September 1st Read my blog today on Local Markets for some interesting facts about tomatoes! I’ve included the recipe below to give you a taster! Roasted tomato and pinto bean salad For this recipe I’ve stolen Nigella’s great way of roasting tomatoes called ‘moon blushing’. Simply cut about 400g of cherry tomatoes in half, place on a […]

Home made Muesli

August 26, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Thursday 26th August Check out my article today in the Cork Independent and find out why taking the cereal straight out of the packet might not be the best idea. As a summer alternative to healthy eating, find my home made muesli recipe below. Homemade Muesli 200g rolled oats 3 tablespoons of wheat germ […]

Hot and Spicy Romanesco Cabbage with Lentils

August 25, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Wednesday 25th August Check out my blog today on for some healthy tips and hints with this great looking cabbage! Romanesco Cabbage The type of cabbage shown here is a Romanesco cabbage. I actually thought it was a type cauliflower so treated it like one when I cooked it. Cabbage is part of the cruciferous […]

Yogurt Brown Bread

August 24, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Wholewheat bread at its best! I just found a bit of yogurt in the fridge that was almost past its best! Rather than throw it out, I thought I’d make some bread with it… I love the idea of yogurt bread as I find many people can digest yogurt a little easily than milk - […]

Pumpkin, banana and chocolate muffins

August 20, 2023
Posted by Lucy

  I think I’m getting a little obsessed with muffins at the moment and must start trying other desserts. However, they are great as you can just throw anything in there to create as much goodness as you like. Here I’ve thrown in some ground Linseed (Irish Health Oils have now started doing ground Linseed […]

Homemade chicken nuggets

August 19, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Thursday August 19th Check out my article in the Cork Independent today for some healthy homemade chicken nuggets - a great healthy dinner for the kids over the holidays. I love them with sweet potato chips and a green salad Homemade Chicken Nuggets 400g of chicken breasts or thighs that have been deboned Juice […]

Baked sweet potato with Feta

August 17, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Tuesday August 17th I found this today on and thought it sounded yummy! Sweet potatoes are a great alternative to normal potatoes and contain plenty of Vitamin A and Vitamin C, which are powerful anti-oxidants which help to keep you healthy all year round. 4 Sweet potatoes (150-200g/5-7oz each) 300g (11oz) feta cheese 2 […]

Sweet Potato and Goats Cheese Frittata

August 16, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Monday 16th August What a great break - there is nothing like the simple salads and fresh fish of Spain to keep you healthy on holidays!!! Check out my article in the Cork Independent for a quick and easy quick with no pastry!!! It appeared last Thursday but I’m only back from my hols now. […]

Chocolate and Beetroot Brownies

August 5, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Thursday 5th August Check out my article in the Cork Independent today with my tasty homemade brownies and find out why its better to cook things yourself. Chocolate Brownies 300g beetroot 50g cashews 2 small eggs Pinch of salt 80g dark chocolate (70%) 1 tbsp rice flour (or any flour) 35g cocoa powder 1 teaspoon […]

Super Green Smoothie

July 29, 2023
Posted by Lucy

    Super Green Smoothie 1 large handful of spinach or kale 2 tablespoons of yogurt 1 tablespoon of ground linseeds 1 apple - chopped Water Place the spinach and apple in a liquidiser and add a small glass of water. Whizz till the spinach is well liquidised. Add the yogurt and the linseeds and […]

Grilled Hake and salad

July 27, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Tuesday, July 27th One of the great things about eating Mediterranean eating is its just so simple and quick. When we were in Spain a few weeks ago, all we ate were salads and fish - yum! Try the below recipe which is ready in about 15 mins. White fish is a great source of […]

Broad Bean Dip

July 22, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Broad beans are a great summer treat. Yes, they take a bit of effort in podding them and removing the fibre layer, but I think they are worth the effort. Of course, most supermarkets have done this for you - you can buy little packets of shelled beans ready to cook. I eat these in […]

Grated vegetable salad

July 20, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Tuesday 20th July Even though the weather hasn’t been great, I still find that most evenings I just want a tasty salad for dinner. They are so quick and easy to make and involve little or no preparation. I came up with this the other day for dinner. Courgettes are an excellent source of Manganese […]

Pear and Chocolate Muffins

July 15, 2023
Posted by Lucy

  1 cup of wholemeal flour 1 tablespoon sunflower seeds 1 tablespoon pumpkin seeds ¼ heaped teaspoon baking powder 1 tablespoon ground linseed and/or wheat germ (optional) 3 ripe pears ½ inch root ginger (optional) 2 large squares 70% dark chocolate (roughly chopped) 1 egg 1 tablespoon honey or maple syrup Preheat oven to 180 […]

Green Bean salad

July 13, 2023
Posted by Lucy

The markets and vegetable shops are just bursting with greens at the moment and they are all so fresh and tasty… I’ve recently joined the Kinsale Community Growers scheme which is the next best thing to growing your own! Each week I get a box of everything that has grown that week and this week […]

Goats cheese and Beetroot salad

July 12, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Monday July 12th I had a friend down for the week with her kids and there was little time for cooking with all the activities going on. It made me realise that summer is just perfect for quick and easy cooking. The most important thing is to have a range of foods in your fridge […]

Chickpea Burger

July 8, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Thursday July 8th If you are interested in a different type of burger, read my article today in the Cork Independent. If you want more spice (you know who you are Carla!!!) then simply double up on the spices and herbs in this recipe. Remember the week I gave you heaps of interesting facts […]

Home made Pizza

July 7, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Homemade Healthy pizza The great thing about pizza is you can make up whatever you want. You can use rocket, mushrooms, sliced fennel etc. Add your favourite herbs; fresh coriander, parsley, chives or thyme works well, or whatever cheeses you want; feta, goats’ cheese, mozzarella, cheddar etc PrintHome made Pizza Ingredients3 wholemeal pitta breads Homemade […]

Huevos Rancheros (Yummy tomato eggs)

July 5, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Monday July 5th I’m back from a week’s holiday in Spain and France and am feeling great. Taking some time out makes such a difference - I’m not sure if its due to being away from the daily stresses of life, eating so much fresh fruits and vegetables or eating so much fish that does […]

Root vegetable chips

June 24, 2023
Posted by Lucy

I’m getting great sweet baby turnips from the community garden at the moment and if I’m not grating them into my salads I’m roasting them like this. Graham, a dear friend of mine, bought me a special chip making roasting tray which really means you don’t need oil to make roasties! I noticed on the […]

Fennel and Tomato Salad

June 23, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Wednesday 23rd June Sometimes I forget that making a quick healthy meal is so easy and tasty. People think that it needs hours of preparation.. no it doesn’t! What it does need is planning so that when you open the cupboard or fridge there are plenty of options. I had this simple side salad for […]

New Season Spiced Lamb with Simple Asparagus

June 21, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Monday June 21st I’ve just discovered this recipe on the Good Food Mood Blog and I love it!!! I’ve adapted it slightly but otherwise I think its lovely. Once cooked, remove the fat from the lamb to reduce its saturated fat content. New Season Spiced Lamb with Simple Asparagus Lamb is in season right now […]

Feta and watermelon salad

June 18, 2023
Posted by Lucy

  Its warm and the last thing you feel like doing is putting on the oven and cooking!!! I had this for dinner last night and it was superb - light and refreshing and so quick to make. Use half the watermelon for the salad and the next morning have the other half for breakfast […]

Lamb Tandorri

June 17, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Thursday 17th June Check out my article in the Cork Independent today for how to include red meat in your healthy eating plan: Picking the Best Meats As part of my ‘Eat Real Food for Summer’ campaign, I’m encouraging people to buy more fresh food and cook for themselves. It is recommended that we […]


June 16, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Wednesday June 16th Yesterday I bought a lovely bunch of asparagus. The asparagus season lasts about 4-6 week so my advice is - eat as much as you can now!!!!!!!! Asparagus is a great prebiotic, which means its feeds the good gut bacteria - keeping your immune system in check. However, its also a good […]

Tuscan White Bean Dip

June 14, 2023
Posted by Lucy

I got this recipe form the lovely Gary who I do most of my demos with - its such a lovely dip. PrintTuscan Bean Dip Ingredients1 can cannellini beans (or your favourite bean) ½ cup water 2 tbsp olive oil 1 tbsp chopped thyme 2 teaspoons lemon juice 3 cloves roasted garlic 1 cup julienne […]

Homemade Baked Beans

June 10, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Thursday 10th June Check out my article in today’s Cork Independent which gives you tips on how to select the right tinned foods: Homemade baked beans 125 g of dried haricot beans or 1 tin of haricot beans 1 onion 1 clove of garlic 1 tin of chopped tomatoes ½ teaspoon cumin ¼ teaspoon […]

Leek and Tomato Frittata

June 8, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Tuesday 8th June I went to lovely family brunch on Sunday morning and I’d forgotten just how much fun brunch is. Brunch really means breakfast and lunch combined, so usually means you can throw anything on the table and people will accept it. One dish that went down particularly well was the frittata and reminded […]

Green smoothie

June 4, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Friday 4th June Coming into summer I start making smoothies a lot more. I don’t fancy huge amounts of cold liquid in the winter but when the sun starts shining, the blender comes out!! Most people make fruit smoothies but I think its better to include more vegetables in your smoothies - everyone thinks I’m […]


June 3, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Make your own Breakfast Cereals We have been told for a number of years now that convenience food is more convenient than making your own, yet it seems that this message is not true. Making your own meals works out cheaper and often a lot easier than people imagine. It’s actually very straightforward to go […]

Chicken and Pepper bake

May 31, 2023
Posted by Lucy

I had friends staying with me this weekend and they were amazed with what was coming out of the kitchen! People just assume that healthy good is going to bland and tasteless. However, when you chose to flavour your food with fresh herbs and spices, natural sweeteners and fruits etc rather than salt and sugar, […]

Coconut Muffins

May 28, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Friday 28th May Its the weekend and you might have a bit of spare time for some baking this weekend. I make these muffins when I know I’m going to be out and about a lot. If you have a meeting first thing or have meetings straight after one another, having a healthy snack such […]

Simple Homemade salad

May 27, 2023
Posted by Lucy

More than Just a Salad Prepared salads feature a lot in supermarket shopping baskets. People often feel relatively satisfied that they are buying a healthier option, but there are a few things to watch out for. Firstly are the salad leaves. Try to pick salad leaves that have washed in spring water only or buy […]

Mary Kay’s Potato Salad

May 26, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Wednesday 26th May I keep meeting Mary Kay at the Kinsale Farmers Market and sampling all her lovely food. I trained with Mary Kay in Ballymaloe Cookery School and since then she has gone and set up her own bakery and sells at many of the markets around Cork. Personally I think her range is […]

Split Pea, Chive and Lemon dip

May 25, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Tuesday 25th May I’ve gone a bit mad with the dips lately. I think this is due to the fact that they are just so easy to make and can be used in a variety of ways - perfect for an easy healthy eating plan. This dip is just yummy and split peas are easier […]


May 24, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Monday 24th May This may have a funny name but it is the most simple of recipes and perfect for a lunch time or afternoon snack. I have half a cucumber left in my fridge after a cooking class last week and wondered what to do with it. Cucumbers are great for healthy eating coming […]

Cumin and Lime hummus

May 21, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Friday May 21st For those who could not read my hummus recipe in the WOW article, here is a copy below. I made a similar hummus to this last night at my ‘lose weight for summer’ healthy cooking classes - I made with red kidney beans and I think I might prefer this to the […]

Homemade tomato sauce

May 20, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Thursday, May 20th Check out my article in the Cork Independent on how to eat real food this summer by making all of your meals yourself! Tomato sauce Serves 4 400g of cherry tomatoes - halved 2 medium red onions – finely chopped 3 cloves of garlic –finely chopped A handful of fresh basil […]

Nettle Soup

May 17, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Monday - May 17th I was over at a friend’s place for dinner last night and I felt a silent revolution happening! There has been a real move over the past few years to ‘grow your own’, with community gardens and allotments popping up all over the country. There has also been a large increase […]

Quinoa and Rocket Salad

Friday 14th May I’m just back from a photo shoot for an article I’m doing next week and I had a whole range of whole grains and fresh vegetables with me. The photographer was a bit puzzled by the quinoa and so I explained to him that this grain is considered a bit of a […]

Moroccan Chicken

May 13, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Wednesday 13th May Check out my article in the Cork Independent this week - which gives some handy tips on how to shop your way to healthy eating!! Try out the tasty healthy eating recipe for Moroccan chicken - if you don’t want to use chicken, you can substitute for some beans or lentils. […]

Black Eyed Bean Hummus

May 12, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Wednesday May 12th I’m doing one of my home based cooking classes tonight and I thought I’d throw in a little twist on a traditional recipe. The theme of the evening is the importance of beans and lentils and through the evening I’ll be talking about the various health benefits of these great healthy eating […]


May 11, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Tuesday May 6th Unfortunately, we have been poorly educated around fat. As a result, we have all sorts of mis-conceptions around the role of fat in the diet and in our bodies. It is the quality of the fat that is important when considering fat for healthy living. Poor quality fats, often found in highly […]

Smoked Chicken Salad

May 7, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Friday May 7th There is a new deli in Kinsale called Bia - its a gourmet food store and is selling all sorts of yummy ingredients - from oils to spices and gluten free and wheat free foods. One thing it does stock is the Ummera range - I bought their smoked chicken and had […]

Bulghur Wheat and Baby Spinach Salad

May 6, 2023
Posted by Lucy

I’m always trying to introduce new whole grains to people to improve their healthy living and so they can have a variety of options in their cupboard. Whole grains are important for healthy eating as they they are packed full of fiber and the nutrients you need to convert the carbohydrates in the grain into […]

Buckwheat and vegetable Asian Salad

May 3, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Tuesday May 2nd This weekend I did the chef’s table at Chapter One. I was blown away by the food and it deserves all of its rave reviews! Not only the tastes and flavours but also the beauty of each creation on the plate. What I found very interesting by the heavy influence of Asian […]

Steamed Mackerel with Butternut Squash

April 30, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Friday 30th April We are starting to come into mackerel season and this means loads of yummy mackerel for dinner. Mackerel is a great source of Omega 3 oils, which have been linked to both improved heart health and improved brain function. In it perfect for any healthy eating plan. Mackerel is generally an easy fish […]

Chilli Hummus

April 29, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Thursday 27th April This week in my Cork Independent article I talk about some healthier versions for healthy snacks - which can be very useful in tiding us over till our next meal. However, we often tend to go for the snacks that can be filled with sugar and refined carbohydrates (scones, muffins or croissants) […]


April 28, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Wednesday April 28th Its good to start expanding the range of ingredients in your cupboards - it helps add variety to your diet. In terms of your healthy eating plan, having potatoes or pasta every day is just not varied enough, especially when you have so much choice now. Below is a recipe containing bulgur […]

Tray Bake Chicken with Mediterranean Vegetables

April 26, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Monday 26th April Last week was Eat Smart Week, an initiative run by the Nutrition and Health Foundation. Check out there website as there are plenty of tips and hints for healthy eating. I have also attached my favourite of their healthy eating recipes below. One alternative I would advise to to simply grill meat […]

Vietnamese Chicken Salad

April 23, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Friday 23rd April The sun is out again and its lovely and warm so lets try another fresh tasty salad for dinner tonight. I find Asian salads perfect for healthy eating as they tend to use fresh herbs and citrus fruits to flavour rather than oils. I often turn to Asian recipes to highlight the […]

Energy Bar

April 22, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Thursday 21st April See below for my great new energy bar in the Cork Independent that will keep the hunger at bay for ages… This is a perfect healthy snack to keep you in line with a healthy eating plan. Healthy snacks: Food for Living’s Energy Bars 150 g rolled oats 50 g raisins […]

Warm Roasted Vegetable Salad

April 21, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Wednesday 20th April Even if it starts getting a little cooler, you can still have salad but just make them a little warmer!! This is perfect for the bright evening and I’d place a fillet of salmon under the grill for 5 minutes each side and place it on top of this for a full […]

Butternut Squash and Rocket Salad

April 19, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Monday, 19th April I think we may as well keep going with the salads as long as we can. I feel like eating them when its sunny and warm outside - I rarely feel like eating then in the depths of winter!!! This is lovely simple salad and there is still a few butternut squashes […]

Quinoa and Lentil Salad

April 16, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Friday 16th, 2010 Remember how I talked about the importance of whole grains the other day. Well this salad below contains one of the nicest whole grains around… quinoa. For some reason people freak out when I mention this grain, like its a deep mystery and can only be cooked by masters!! However, its so […]

Great Health Benefits of Garlic - with garlic pesto

April 15, 2024
Posted by Lucy

I’ve a great article in the Cork Independent on the health benefits of garlic and a yummy Wild Garlic pesto that I had for breakfast this morning on a slice of sour dough rye and a poached egg. I had a good handful of blueberries as I was making making breakfast - making it a […]

Banana and Blueberry Muffins

Wednesday 23rd April I was out at a training course all day and knew I’d get hungry. At 11 o clock the usual plate of biscuits and scones came out with the tea. Rather than fall into the trap of nibbling on them for the sake of it, I brought along these muffins as part […]

Brown Rice and Kidney bean salad

April 13, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Tuesday, 21st April One advantage of blogging is that you can sit on the balcony with the sun pouring down and still be considered ‘working’. I had a client in earlier today who wasn’t clear what I meant by the term wholegrain carbohydrate. I get so used to educating people in my clinics that I […]

Green Pea Dip

April 12, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Monday, April 12th What a weekend!!!! Sunshine and everyone feeling good. I hope everyone got out for their 20 minutes of sun with no factor on - remember that Vitamin D is essential in terms of your immune system and is blocked with sun block. Once you’ve got your 20 minutes and are going to […]

Butternut squash soup

April 8, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Thursday 8th April Check out my gorgeous butternut squash recipe in this week’s Cork Independent. I’m having it as part of my healthy eating plan, for lunch today as I think its just lovely. I’ve just baked up some rosemary and cheese scones to with it - perfect late afternoon lunch. By the way, […]

Adding more to a Lamb Stew!

April 1, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Thursday, April 1st Ok.. ok.. I’m not joking when I say its easy to start incorporating the principles of healthy eating into your diet. My article in this week’s Cork Independent shows that sometimes it just involves a twist on some of your favourite meals and adapt them to your healthy eating plan. Check it out […]

Spinach and Quinoa Salad

March 31, 2024
Posted by Lucy

PrintSpinach and Quinoa Salad IngredientsServes 4 200g of baby spinach 1 cup of quinoa 1-2 tablespoons of sunflower seeds 1-2 tablespoons of pumpkin seeds 1-2 tablespoons of sesame seeds Dressing 2 handfuls flat leaf parsley 1 handful basil leaves 1 small handful mint leaves 2 garlic cloves, roughly chopped 4-6 anchovy fillets, rinsed 1 tsp capers 1 tbsp […]

Seeded Soda Bread

March 30, 2024
Posted by Lucy

I did a home based demo last night, which I always enjoy. It involves going into people’s kitchen and showing them how to cook a range of healthy eating dishes and recipes. Last night was 8 friends, and one of the questions they asked was about bread. I gave them this very simple soda bread […]

Baba Ganoush (Aubergine Dip)

March 29, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Check my ‘What’s Coming Up’ section for information about my 4 week cookery course that will change your eating habits and have you feeling fabulous! March 29th, 2010 People tend to forget just how great dips are in terms of healthy eating. I’m not talking about the sour cream ones (!!!!) but the ones that […]

Giant tomato salsa with lentils

March 25, 2024
Posted by Lucy

The Blue Haven ‘Casual Cooking’ cookbook is a lovely little cookbook for the spring and summer, with plenty of easy tasty recipes. I was given an opportunity to supply a few recipes to promote the area of healthy eating and healthy meals. Below is one of the recipes that I have in the book - this […]

Olive Tapenade

March 25, 2024
Posted by Lucy

With summer in the air, I notice that I want salad more and more. Yet, don’t forget that dressings are one of the best ways to add new tastes, flavours and goodness to your salad selection. You can use all sorts of ingredients - from fresh herbs to spices, citrus such as lemon or orange […]

Spicy Lentil soup

March 24, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Wednesday March 24th Last night I talked to the Munster branch of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Association (ICTCM) about the importance of building a good foundation for the health of their patients through good nutrition. The message to them was similar to that of the message I’ll be giving to the Munster CPA tonight. It is […]

Saturday Morning Pancakes

March 19, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Friday March 19th, 2010 Its the weekend and there is nothing nicer than a yummy breakfast when you get up on Saturday morning. Here is slightly different idea for pancakes using oat flour and wheat germ to ensure a healthy eating plan ! Wheat germ contains a large amount of Vitamin E - this is […]

Yummy Stir Fried Cabbage

March 17, 2024
Posted by Lucy

150g of broccoli (a small head) 150g savoy cabbage 1 leek 2 spring onions 1 inch root ginger (grated) 2 cloves garlic (finely chopped) 1 tablespoon tamari (or other soy sauce) 2 tblsp Mirin Some freshly cracked pepper Cut all the veggies and set aside for 5 mins to allow the health promoting properties to […]


March 12, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Half a small red cabbage 2 beetroots 70g cashews 70g raisins Dressing 4 tablespoons Extra virgin olive oil 2 tblsp vinegar (whatever you have) 1 teaspoon honey Salt and freshly cracked pepper Wash and peel beetroot and place in a little water and steam for 30 mins. this should soften the beetroot slightly but it should still […]

Parsnip and Coconut Soup

March 12, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Friday, March 12th The cookery demo in Brennan’s went really well last night and I was reminded of how its the basics that are important in terms of cooking and health eating. We really need to keep it simple, seasonal and tasty so the idea of venturing off the track of healthy eating is inconceivable!!! […]

Cabbage slaw

March 7, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Hey All Here is a comment from one of my latest home based healthy eating cooking demos: I think it’s a great thing for families to do together. Since the demo Mum has been over to my house and we have been food shopping together discussing the whole concept of healthy eating etc Let me […]

Dry Roasted Cashews

February 18, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Roasting cashews can intensify their flavours and also give them more of a bite. I’m suggesting roasting cashews at a fairly low heat for a longer time - this helps reduce the likelihood of rancidity (see below) and so is better in terms of healthy eating. Adding nuts and seeds are a great addition to […]

Cashew Stir Fry

February 18, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Cashews are such a great addition to your diet in terms of healthy eating, here is a tasty stir fry which is perfect for the evenings that you don’t have much time for cooking. Serves 4 3 oz of cashews 1 head of broccoli (cut into florets)1 yellow pepper (cut lengthways) 1 red pepper (cut […]


February 18, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Cashews and Healthy Eating Cashews are part of the same family as mangos - who would have thought! Pistachios also belong to the same family and these nuts are known for their phytosterol content. More and more research is coming out about these nutrients and their beneficial effect on heart health. Phytosterols block cholesterol absorption in the […]

Chicken Stock

February 15, 2024
Posted by Lucy

You’ll have plenty of bones left over from the stew above. You may also decide to roast up a chicken over the weekend after reading all these great things about it and you’ll have plenty of bones and the carcass from this. I used to think making my own stock is a big deal and extremely time […]

Chicken, thyme and barley stew

February 15, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Recipes When I’m eating chicken, I generally try to add some sort of bean or lentil to it in order to increase the fibre and carbohydrate content of the meal. Simply eating chicken in a sandwich or with potatoes rarely provides you with enough fibre to satisfy you for long which is not great in […]

Cashew and Vegetable Stir fry

February 15, 2024
Posted by Lucy

I’m going to concentrate on a slightly controversial food, deemed by some to be too ‘fattening’ to be included in a healthy eating plan, but in my view are a great source of many nutrients, essential fatty acids and phytonutrients. We are talking nuts! Cashews are part of the same family as mangos - who would have […]

Kale with chickpeas, soy, chilli and garlic

February 1, 2024
Posted by Lucy

I’ve adapted this recipe from The River Cottage Diary I was given for Christmas. There may be a few more adaptations throughout the year! You can have this healthy eating dish as a light supper for 2, use is as a side dish for a nice curry, or make a full meal by placing on a bed of […]

Coconut, lentil and kale soup

February 1, 2024
Posted by Lucy

I adore this soup and never realised that soy sauce with coconut milk would provide such a yummy result! If you are ever stuck with which legumes to use in a dish, lentils are great in that they don’t need soaking or pre cooking (handy!) and are equally as good as all other legumes in […]

Kale soup

January 16, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Dear All, Well, we’re back from our holidays and its time to start prioritising our health and fitness levels again. So I thought I’d start the year with a great underused vegetable which is in the height of its season… Kale The Star Ingredient: Healthy Eating with Kale Its often hard to find kale in supermarkets […]

Wild rice stuffing

January 7, 2024
Posted by Lucy

  Healthy Eating recipes: Wild rice stuffing This is a great alternative to bread stuffing for those on a gluten free diet or for those intolerant to wheat. As an extra bonus, it contains more fibre, anti oxidants, nutrients and essential fatty acids!! Great with one of your favourite roasts. I use this a lot with chicken […]

Roast Root Vegetables salad

January 7, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Healthy Eating recipes: Roast Root Vegetables Salad Try this as a warm salad with some chopped up leftover meat from the night before, a great healthy eating meal. 2 beetroots 2 parsnips 2 carrots 2 small sweet potatoes 1 inch root ginger - grated Salt and pepper to taste Chopped parsley Selection of salad leaves Pre […]

African Stew with chicken

December 9, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Healthy Eating recipe with Chicken African Stew I love this recipe as it means you need to go out and buy some yummy 100% peanut butter from the health food store!! A great addition to a healthy eating plan. Nuts butters are great snacks on some sliced apples or pears or on some wholemeal toast. […]

Healthy Eating recipes : Spiced Cauliflower soup

December 9, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Healthy Eating recipes : Spiced Cauliflower soup I made this healthy eating soup for a family dinner this weekend and I thought it was yummy - not sure about the colour though - turmeric seems to give everything this off yellow colour - this is where lashings of chopped coriander comes in!! A great part […]

Grilled salmon with Mexican salsa

November 24, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Healthy Eating Fish Recipes: Grilled salmon with Mexican salsa Adding beans to a salsa is a great way of boosting the fibre, carbohydrate and protein content the salad - a perfect healthy eating dish. This uses similar ingredients to the dish before but the result is quite different. 2 medium salmon fillets 1 garlic clove 1/2 tsp ground […]

Salmon en papillotte (in a parcel)

November 24, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Healthy Eating Fish Recipes: Salmon en papillotte (in a parcel) En papillottes are a great idea for healthy eating fish recipes. You can just put everything into the little paper parcel and stick it all in the oven at the one time. All the flavours fuse together and the fish comes out so moist and […]

Mackerel with leek and parsley sauce

November 17, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Healthy Eating fish recipes: Mackerel with leek and parsley sauce This is such an easy recipe and you can make this with any fish, I just happened to have some mackerel left over in my freezer and needed to use this up. Mackerel is an oily fish which means it is packed full of Omega […]

Sweet potato and potato leek soup

November 17, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Healthy Eating recipes: Sweet potato and potato leek soup This soup is one of my winter healthy eating favourites. I use sweet potato as well to top up the antioxidants to protect me from winter colds. I actually use mung beans in this recipe but use any bean you want. Of all the beans, I […]

Asian Steamed Broccoli

November 10, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Healthy Eating recipes: Asian steamed Broccoli I’m introducing another taste here which is good for healthy eating vegetables. Firstly, Thai fish sauce is a great flavour to add to any stir fries, curries or Asian dishes. Unusual on its own (to say the least) but its great when it works with other flavours. It keeps […]

Chinese Green Salad

November 10, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Healthy Eating recipes: Chinese Green Salad The vegetables are lightly cooked (the best method for healthy eating) and then covered in the dressing straight away to ensure that the flavours are absorbed. Mikawa Mirin is available from all good food stores and some supermarkets and is great for stir fries – its a match made in […]

Pumpkin and Rocket Gnocchi

November 4, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Pumpkin and Rocket Gnocchi I just love these tasty gnocchi from the cookbook ‘Soup and Beyond’ and I think they are great with just a sprinkling of extra virgin olive oil and some grated Parmesan. One little tip is take out a little extra rocket and nibble it while you are cooking these. The bitter […]

Spicy Pumpkin Soup

November 4, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Healthy Eating recipes: Spicy Pumpkin Soup This is a great winter warming healthy eating soup and is just so tasty. If you are going to have it as a meal, its great as a lunch at work or when you get home late from work and don’t have much time, then always add a little […]

Apple Crumble

October 26, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Healthy Eating desserts: Apple Crumble This topping might be a leap of faith for some of you who are used to flour, butter and sugar. But we eat so much of this on a day to day basis, this is my attempt at something delicious but good in terms of healthy eating! Only add the […]

Apple pancakes

October 26, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Healthy Eating Breakfasts: Apple pancakes You can eat these pancakes for a nice healthy eating weekend breakfast - I did this morning with some Gubbeen sausages and it was delicious. You could also simply put a dollop of natural yogurt and a little maple or honey and make them into a dessert. This recipe makes 4 medium pancakes […]

Chickpea Stew

October 18, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Healthy Eating recipes: Chickpea Stew This is a great winter stew and can last you over a few days. Again I’m not using any cooking oils for healthy eating. I’m going to try to get you experiment with this to see how you go. Cooking with oils has been linked to increased free radical damage […]

Leek and Chickpea Soup

October 18, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Healthy Eating Recipes: Leek and Chickpea Soup This is a simple, feel good healthy eating soup that tastes lovely. I garnish it with chopped fresh coriander leaves to add colour and you’ll have some left over from your Chickpea stew! The leeks in this are great prebiotics (this means that they feed the good bacteria […]

Chickpea and carrot salad with roasted cashews

October 12, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Healthy Eating recipes: Chickpea and carrot salad with roasted cashews This serves 2 portions. Cumin and carrot is a match made in heaven and this simple salad is great for putting in a lunchbox and taking to work. This dish is perfect for healthy eating and packed full of fibre with the carrots and chickpeas, and the […]

Warming Carrot and Ginger soup

October 12, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Healthy Eating recipes: Warming Carrot and Ginger soup This is a lovely winter healthy eating soup as its got a nice kick from the ginger. Ginger is one of the best spices going, if there was a category ‘Super spices’, this would be in the top three. It is excellent for calming digestive problems and […]