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You can contact Lucy now regarding a one on one nutrition consultation or for more information on her education work on 086 8179964 or
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Nutrition Clinic

I have my own nutrition clinic based in Elmwood Medical Practice in Frankfield, Douglas.

What to expect

Each individual is different, with a different range of signs and symptoms, different medical history and different lifestyle issues. For that reason, the first consultation lasts 1 hour and goes into a detailed examination of all dietary and health needs.

At the end of the first consultation, each client will have agreed a set of goals and practical nutrition advice and will be given 2-3 weeks to implement these changes. How often a client sees me very much depends on where they are at within their current eating habits and patterns as well as the reason they are coming to see me.

The client may return for either one additional or many additional nutrition consultation to assess their progress.

All sessions last 1 hour and the cost if €80.

For cholesterol management, blood sugar regulation and weight management, people generally come to see me, on average, for 4 visits. Pack of 4 sessions is €300.

Common questions about Nutritional Therapy and Healthy Eating:

What is nutritional therapy?

The role of Nutritional Therapy is to practically apply the most up to date theories and research in nutrition and health sciences to individuals seeking to manage chronic disease or promote optimum health. It can focus on a number of bodily systems, including the digestive, immune, endocrine and cardiovascular systems. Nutritional therapy can help alleviate and manage a wide range of conditions and can help individuals work towards their own health goals.

Why visit a nutritional therapist?

Many people first visit a nutritional therapist as a result of a particular ailment. Either they have been diagnosed with a particular disease or they have had an ongoing problem that various treatments have failed to resolve. However, people often visit as they are finding it difficult to manage their stress levels, to maintain good energy or to just simply want to feel better.

What should I expect from my visit?

The first nutritional therapy session can last up to an hour and a half. You will usually be sent a questionnaire to be filled beforehand. It is best if the nutritional therapist gets this questionnaire back a few days in advance of your consultation. The first consultation is really about building a relationship with your Nutritional therapist and giving them a full breakdown of any signs and symptoms you may be feeling. You will be asked about any childhood illnesses, your family history and what you tend to eat on a daily basis. This gives a really good idea of where your health status is coming from.

What do I get out of the consultation?

Once we have fully discussed your case, you will be given a programme to follow over the next 4 weeks. This programme will detail any dietary or lifestyle changes, along with any supplementation. One of the core focuses of nutritional therapy is education, so the programme will be designed to not just adapt your eating habits but to understand the principles of good eating. The rest is up to you!

How many sessions do I need?

The answer to this is very much dependant on what you are seeing a nutritional therapist for. Follow up sessions can last anything from half an hour to an hour. Often issues such as fertility, weight loss and recovery from an eating disorder involve ongoing support and encouragement. However, you would be amazed at what the simplest of changes in diet and lifestyle can make to your feelings of health and well being and, often, one or two follow up sessions are enough.

If you are interested in receiving a nutrition consultation please contact me on or 086 8179964