Nutritionist Lucy Hyland

Category Archives: Breakfast Recipes

Healthy Breakfasts - Polenta porridge

February 27, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Why polenta porridge? I came down to breakfast today, only to realise I’d run out of oats! But wanting a nice bowl of piping hot winter grains, I searched the cupboards for some options. I found a box of polenta and thought about turning it into some porridge. I created the tastiest breakfast of a […]

Protein rich baked bean recipe

July 10, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Protein rich baked bean recipe I’ve been doing so much cooking lately while I’m designing recipes for my meal plans that I’ve been thinking about the most important principles of eating for health. At the same time I have been writing the content for my blog series on losing weight. So I’ve decided to tie it […]

Diet and Chemotherapy - Banana and Spinach Smoothie

December 8, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Diet and Chemotherapy I’m getting more and more requests from people and organisations to develop recipes and menus for people undergoing chemotherapy - they want to know more about diet and chemotherapy. It can be a time when appetite is low and eating can be difficult. And yet, it is a time when eating a […]

Healthy Breakfasts Ideas- Rice Bake

October 27, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Background story for healthy breakfast ideas Many of the people who come to see me in my Nutrition Clinic do not eat breakfast or eat a breakfast that is not complete. The skipping of breakfast results in a range of behaviours later in the day, mainly overeating, reduced energy levels and craving sweet foods. In […]

Blueberry Yogurt with Toasted Cashews

September 22, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Blueberry Yogurt with Toasted Cashews I’m very excited about the work that I am currently doing with Urru Culinary Store in Bandon. I was brought into the store to take a look at their menus, and make suggestions on how to put health at the centre of these. As a store committed to providing only […]

Healthy breakfast - Oat Bran Recipes

September 9, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Background story I always feel like the start of September is a little like New Years Day. The holidays are over, the kids are back at school and it’s time to start back into your new habits and goals. For those who might have gone a little excessive this summer, fear not! You can start […]

Raspberry Crumble

August 4, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Questioning cereals with a Raspberry Crumble The response that I’m getting to my “Cheat and still stay healthy” campaign this summer is great. I am becoming more and more aware of the importance of reading the packets of the foods that we eat. It is only through reading the ingredient list and the nutritional information […]

Bircher Muesli

May 26, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Thursday 26th May Check out my article today in the Cork Independent on how to keep your energy going all morning or read below: Keeping the energy going I’m off to a national school next week to talk about the role of food in children’s health. I’ll be talking to them about how what […]

Gluten free Quinoa Porridge

April 1, 2024
Posted by Lucy

This week, as I keep wheat out of my diet, I’ve been experimenting with a range of grains. I’ve decided to keep gluten away from my breakfasts and having been exploring a variety of other whole grains to eat. So what are some options? One thing I noticed about several people that come into my […]

Banana bread recipe

March 10, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Alternatives to something sweet Lent is often a time when people consider the habits they have and which ones they feel would be good to give up! Often, sweets and chocolates are top of the list or things to give up. So are there any alternatives in terms of sweet things to enjoy? One of […]

Pancakes full of goodness - Pear and Buckwheat

March 7, 2024
Posted by Lucy

  Eggs are an important part of the diet and for those who do not have any allergies to them, they are an essential source of nutrients. And what better way to enjoy them than in pancakes! Eggs are a complete form of protein, a great source of selenium (a powerful antioxidant) and iodine and can […]

Broccoli and Leek Omelette recipe

February 24, 2024
Posted by Lucy

The Beauty of Broccoli Fruits and vegetables are amazing foods. The more we learn about them, the more we realise that they bring with them all sorts of health benefits. Not only do they contain vitamin and minerals, antioxidants and phytonutrients (powerful anti-oxidants) but they also contain different types of fibre that help to keep […]

2 minute breakfast porridge

October 28, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Thursday 28th October After hearing too many excuses about my clients no having time for breakfast, I came up with this easy and quick porridge that you can make yourself. No more excuses…. Two minute porridge One cup of oats (ordinary rolled oats or oat groats/bits) Two cups of water or milk of your choice […]

The Benefits of Oats with Berry Porridge

October 13, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Oats are just the whizz kids of breakfast cereals and so try to eat a good few times a week over the winter months. Before I tell you about all the great health benefits of oats, I’m going to tell you about the key types of oats that you can buy. I started my oat […]

Coconut rice pudding

September 23, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Last week I did a lovely stewed apple which I sweetened with cinnamon. Cinnamon is a great natural sweetener which I often use instead of sugar. However, the health benefits of cinnamon are becoming more and more well known and it’s certainly a great spice to use for healthy eating. So where do the benefits […]

Home made Muesli

August 26, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Thursday 26th August Check out my article today in the Cork Independent and find out why taking the cereal straight out of the packet might not be the best idea. As a summer alternative to healthy eating, find my home made muesli recipe below. Homemade Muesli 200g rolled oats 3 tablespoons of wheat germ […]

Sweet Potato and Goats Cheese Frittata

August 16, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Monday 16th August What a great break - there is nothing like the simple salads and fresh fish of Spain to keep you healthy on holidays!!! Check out my article in the Cork Independent for a quick and easy quick with no pastry!!! It appeared last Thursday but I’m only back from my hols now. […]

Pear and Chocolate Muffins

July 15, 2023
Posted by Lucy

  1 cup of wholemeal flour 1 tablespoon sunflower seeds 1 tablespoon pumpkin seeds ¼ heaped teaspoon baking powder 1 tablespoon ground linseed and/or wheat germ (optional) 3 ripe pears ½ inch root ginger (optional) 2 large squares 70% dark chocolate (roughly chopped) 1 egg 1 tablespoon honey or maple syrup Preheat oven to 180 […]

Huevos Rancheros (Yummy tomato eggs)

July 5, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Monday July 5th I’m back from a week’s holiday in Spain and France and am feeling great. Taking some time out makes such a difference - I’m not sure if its due to being away from the daily stresses of life, eating so much fresh fruits and vegetables or eating so much fish that does […]

Green smoothie

June 4, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Friday 4th June Coming into summer I start making smoothies a lot more. I don’t fancy huge amounts of cold liquid in the winter but when the sun starts shining, the blender comes out!! Most people make fruit smoothies but I think its better to include more vegetables in your smoothies - everyone thinks I’m […]


June 3, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Make your own Breakfast Cereals We have been told for a number of years now that convenience food is more convenient than making your own, yet it seems that this message is not true. Making your own meals works out cheaper and often a lot easier than people imagine. It’s actually very straightforward to go […]

Banana and Blueberry Muffins

Wednesday 23rd April I was out at a training course all day and knew I’d get hungry. At 11 o clock the usual plate of biscuits and scones came out with the tea. Rather than fall into the trap of nibbling on them for the sake of it, I brought along these muffins as part […]

Saturday Morning Pancakes

March 19, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Friday March 19th, 2010 Its the weekend and there is nothing nicer than a yummy breakfast when you get up on Saturday morning. Here is slightly different idea for pancakes using oat flour and wheat germ to ensure a healthy eating plan ! Wheat germ contains a large amount of Vitamin E - this is […]

Apple pancakes

October 26, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Healthy Eating Breakfasts: Apple pancakes You can eat these pancakes for a nice healthy eating weekend breakfast - I did this morning with some Gubbeen sausages and it was delicious. You could also simply put a dollop of natural yogurt and a little maple or honey and make them into a dessert. This recipe makes 4 medium pancakes […]