Nutritionist Lucy Hyland

Food Solutions Testimonials

Food Solutions:

Healthy diet food solutionss

Working one on one with a nutritionist allows you to come up with nutrition and food solutions to suit your individual health and lifestyle needs. Each session aims to bring you back to your own body wisdom and allow you to create solutions that are specifically tailored for you. You will come back to these food solutions again and again.

"I never felt as though I was missing out on meat or fish. I became vegetarian at eight and had always enjoyed experimenting with new flavours and cuisines.

Until life got hectic! Then all thoughts of vegetarian nutrition fell by the wayside. I put the time and energy I had into meals for the family, while my own nutrition was relegated to the bottom of my list of priorities. Barely an afterthought. I would simply make do with the family meal, minus the meat or fish.

That’s fine for a short burst, but as the busy days turned into months, I felt my health and general wellbeing suffer. Enough was enough. I turned to Lucy for help in structuring my meals. As it turned out, Lucy did that and a lot more besides!

Over the following few appointments, Lucy taught me how to approach vegetarian nutrition in a wholesome way. She opened my eyes to new food combinations, which transformed my tired old reliables into exciting new meals. With the clever tricks and tips that Lucy gave me, I can now quickly adapt our family meals into wholesome vegetarian meals in a flash.

I would recommend Lucy to anyone who feels that they have lost their way when it comes to their nutrition." Sibeal, Cork


"I asked Lucy to deliver a talk on heath and nutrition as part of a fundraising programme for Special Olympics. She delivered an insightful and engaging interactive discussion that captivated the minds of the participants while also giving practical information on how to choose healthier eating and lifestyle habits. I would recommend Lucy 110% and hope to work with her again in the future."
Lynda Foley, Special Olympics, Regional Fundraising Coordinator, Munster



"Thanks Lucy! For the first time in ages I'm excited about going into my kitchen. After years of dieting and the weight watchers model, I've been told to avoid my kitchen. But working with you has allowed me to celebrate going into my kitchen and start to love cooking again. I'm looking forward to eating food for the first time in years" Rilla, London



"I spent my entire life trying to control my biscuit consumption and the amount being far in excess on a daily basis of what I would consider the average person to have in a week. I even had biscuits for breakfast! As for my shopping habits. Well that’s something else…a packet of jellies as I shopped and a full back of wine gums after that.

Now I eat only a few plain biscuits (not every day), have a proper breakfast, and most of all can shop without the urge to go down the sweet aisle." Bernie, Cork


"After being diagnosed with Arthritis in my Spine & border line Osteoporosis I decided to pay a visit to Lucy which I am happy to say worked very well. I needed to increase Calcium & protein levels in my diet for the Osteo & help managing pain from the Arthritis.
With Lucy's help through nutrition & supplements instead of taking conventional pain relief, I now find I am coping so much better & feeling great in myself." Marie, Cork


"I thought trying to get my Cholesterol level down by diet alone was impossible but working with Lucy was easy and educational. We managed to reduce it from 6.6 to 5.3 over the course of 6 weeks through loads of tasty and healthy meal and snack options. It was an enjoyable experience and one that will help me for the rest of my life" Chris, Cork


" I drastically reduced the amount of antacids I take, as a result of following healthier options in my diet, as recommended by Lucy." Eddie, Cork


"I am delighted that I sought Lucy's professional help. I found her one-on-one sessions very focussed and insightful. Lucy really knows her stuff and her approach is very practical. Within weeks I could see the results I wanted and more!" Fiona, Cork


"I first started using Lucy's services a number of months ago. I had a goal to lose weight, regulate my blood sugars and improve my energy. Being in the health profession myself, and working into the evenings, it is important that I don't have lows in energy throughout the day. Working with Lucy allowed me to get a better understanding of how certain foods affected my body. She was able to guide me to control and regulate my sugar dips during my working day and to stop all energy drops especially mid afternoon and early evening (my busiest time of day). She is incredibly professional and knowledgeable in her chosen field. Working with Lucy was not a regimented diet plan, it was about becoming aware of how foods affect our body and being held accountable for what I eat. I would highly recommend Lucy to anyone who wishes to get healthier through better eating." Benjamin, Cork


"I met Lucy last year and needed advice to get my energy back after a prolonged back injury.
She was very helpful and tailor made nutritional needs for my lifestyle. Lucy was very personable and would recommend her services."
Ruth, Cork


"I met Lucy earlier this year through the Network of Enterprising Women (NEW) and subsequently went to see her at her clinic for nutritional advice. Lucy is clearly an expert in her field but in addition to that is focused on delivering the message of healthy eating to everyone. What really strikes me is her desire to ensure that each individual gets the maximum from their time with her. I was delighted with the outcome of my consultation with Lucy and am happy to recommend her." Theresa, Cork

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