Nutritionist Lucy Hyland

Category Archives: Nutrition Nuggets

Challenge your limiting beliefs

June 28, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Its always good to challenge those limiting beliefs every now and then! I’m always delighted with how much I learn from my clients. Their lives, their stories, their experiences. I think its because the more time I spend in the world of health, the more I realise just how messy it is. Yes, there is […]

Making good habits

June 14, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Making good habits is not as important as keeping them. Ok.. so I’m not pushing the boundaries of nutritional science with this update. However, I am going to tell you a story. And this particular story challenged me a little recently and I hope it has the same effect on you. A few weeks I […]

Planning meals

May 31, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Planning meals can be a great way of improving your food choices The other night I was making dinner. With the oven on, I decided to start making a new batch of granola for the week. As I started toasting my oats, I began grating the carrots for a salad for my partners lunch the […]

How did I end up here?

May 24, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Ever ask yourself: How did I end up here? I was recently having a conversation with a client and she looked at me and said “How did I end up here?” There was a touch of sadness in her voice, and for a moment we held that feeling. Its the feeling when you look at yourself […]

Good for You

May 10, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Is it about being good for you or about you being good to you? There are times when the road of life gets rocky. People get sick, situations escalate, relationships become frayed and tension rises. These are natural cycles in life, and just like times of contentment and joy, we know they will pass. Yet, […]

Making good decisions

April 26, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Making good decisions comes from feeling good first. Sometimes a number of different ideas and messages come to me over the course of a few weeks. And sometimes my mind churns all these around, like a mini washing machine, and comes out with some fundamental questions or challenges for the way we are doing things. […]

Stuck in a rut with health

April 12, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Do you feel stuck in a rut with your health? I’m always interested how ‘themes’ begin to appear in my work. By themes, I mean that I will have client after client with a similar issue or difficulty to overcome. I’m not sure where these themes come from: from me, from the seasons, from the conversations […]

Take a step back

March 22, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Its the perfect time to take a step back from life Its very easy to let time slip by. And for some things, time is meant to slip by. There are things that come and go out of our lives: dramas, scenarios and occasions that simply move through our days. Yet there are other things, those […]

Health mistakes are ok

March 8, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Health Mistakes are actually OK? As part of my healthy lifestyle programmes, I often create individualised recipes and meal plans for people. As people create their own pathways to health and wellbeing, they often see gaps in their current way of eating or want to substitute existing snacks or meals with alternative options more in line […]

Body Awareness and Food

February 23, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Sometimes the work I do with clients is not necessarily around finding how food is part of the problem, but rather that food isn’t the problem that people thought it was. Recently, in one of my nutrition programme sessions, my client realised that she had blamed food for many years for her pain and discomfort and […]

Listening to your Body

February 9, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Stop, breath and listen to your body I had a rather interesting conversation with a women the other day. She started telling me about a problem she is having with her ears. I often find that people are happy to randomly ask me questions about this or that, and so this situation was no different. […]

Health Motivation

January 26, 2024
Posted by Lucy

A little Health Motivation As part of my one to one work with clients, I often find myself involved in a type of conversation that goes something like this: Me: “So Mary, how have you found making those changes this week?” Mary “Well Lucy, things were going great. I was getting on fine but then my cat got sick, my grandmother […]

New Year New You… Really?

December 16, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Does the New Year New You thing really work? It’s something we hear a lot about at this time of year. The idea of a New Year brings with it all sorts of new potentials. Shiny, new, better, more… all telling you that by the end of this year you could be the person you have […]

Repeating the same mistakes

December 14, 2023
Posted by Lucy

  Do you want to make the same health mistakes this year for Christmas or do things a little differently? One of the main elements of my 3 month “Back to You” nutrition programme is that I focus on the idea of stopping, listening and taking time out. I find that one of the main benefits […]

Asking healthy questions

June 17, 2023
Posted by Lucy

I love seeing the penny drop for people. The interesting thing about my work is that I can only give people the penny. I do this by providing them with the space and right questions to guide their thinking, alongside the education and practical tips they need. But how a person puts together the story of their own health, how […]

How to have a healthy lifestyle

June 3, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Having a healthy lifestyle is often about trial and error, and finding out what works for you - and you alone. Let me tell you this little story. As part of my healthy lifestyle programmes, I often create individualised recipes and meal plans for people. As people create their own pathways to health and wellbeing, […]

Feeding yourself

May 13, 2023
Posted by Lucy

May has traditionally been called ‘the hungry month’. The seeds planted in early spring have not quite started producing crops, and the stored winter vegetables are running out.However, with climates and farming practises changing, you’ll probably feel far from hungry in May. The first of the Irish summer berries are making their way into our […]

Healthy Eating Plate from Harvard

April 30, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Time and time again I come back to this plate. It was devised by Harvard’s School of Nutrition and creates a simple, visual guide to what balanced meals look like. Take a picture with your phone, or keep the visual in your head. Whether you are ordering lunch out, cooking your dinner at home or […]

Healthy food Relationship

April 28, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Are you in a healthy food relationship? Have you ever stepped back and wondered about your relationship to food? I’m not just talking about the foods you like and don’t like or the daily habits you seem to have picked up along the way regarding what you eat. I’m talking about how important a role […]

Ways to stay healthy

April 8, 2024
Posted by Lucy

As part of my one to one work with clients, I often find myself involved in a type of conversation that goes something like this: Me: “So Mary, how have you found making those changes this week?” Mary “Well Lucy, things were going great. I was getting on fine but then my cat got sick, my grandmother turned 80 so we […]

Diet questions

March 25, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Sometimes the work I do with clients is not necessarily around finding how food is part of the problem, but rather that food isn’t the problem that people thought it was. Recently, in one of my nutrition programme sessions, my client realised that she had blamed food for many years for her pain and discomfort and […]

Healthy food options

March 19, 2024
Posted by Lucy

A Little Too Busy for You - Easy Healthy Food options It’s a term I hear in my nutrition sessions all the time. Some of us are stuck in a world of ‘too busy’ and we can’t seem to get out. Whether is juggling the demands of a busy family life or meeting the demands […]

Stuck in a Rut with your health

March 11, 2024
Posted by Lucy

I’m always interested how ‘themes’ begin to appear in my work. By themes, I mean that I will have client after client with a similar issue or difficulty to overcome. I’m not sure where these themes come from: from me, from the seasons, from the conversations around the kettle or from the news or media messages in any […]

New You Plan

February 25, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Its often about this time of year I start reflection on how the year is going. I think back on all those ideas and notions I had only a month or two ago. The idea of a New Year brings with it all sorts of new potentials. Shiny, new, better, more… all telling you that […]

Creating Healthy Habits

December 8, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Creating Healthy Habits We are coming into a time of year that is about celebration and it seems that, culturally, we attach this celebration to excess. Many people are already having the conversation in their head about how they are just going to ‘let go’, ‘forget it all’ and enjoy the festivities to the max. […]

Correct portion of Fruit and Vegetables

November 3, 2023
Posted by Lucy

One question I get asked by clients is about the correct portion of fruit and vegetables. Portion of Fruit and Vegetables: I use the USDA’s Dietary Guidelines, which recommend adults eat anywhere from 5 to 13 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. I find the advice from the United States is generally ahead of […]

Finding Health Within

October 20, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Finding health within can start with the right questions. I received interesting feedback from a client the other day. She wrote to me about one of the health programmes I am running at the moment. “Your style invites me into empowerment” she said, and I stopped and thought for a while. What exactly are we […]

Making Healthy Changes

August 27, 2023
Posted by Lucy

One Giant Leap or Just a Step towards healthy changes Is it something in the way we are conditioned that makes us think that when we decide to change, we need to make it a grand gesture. Do we feel the need to make drastic mistakes, to make life changing decisions or to take on […]

What is your Food Story?

June 23, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Is your food story doing you any good? I’ve become deeply involved in the area of storytelling over the last few months. I have begun to unravel my own personal story and how that has impacted upon the meaning of my business. As a result, I’ve become rather fascinated by the power of ‘a food […]

Deepen your Connection with Yourself through Food

May 20, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Holistic Nutrition Options Are we not all looking for the same thing? We want to feel good so that we can live our lives to the best of our abilities. We want energy, vitality and connection. Well, thats what I want, and thats what Food for Living is all about. Its about holistic nutrition: how […]

What Feeds You?

May 20, 2023
Posted by Lucy

  I often see people in a rather determined state! ‘Right’ they say. ‘Its time to sort this out’ or ‘I’ve known I need to address this for years’ are common conversation fillers. Our diets, and the choices we make around food, are often one the most tangible things we can change in our lives. […]

Childhood Obesity on ‘The Last Word’ Today FM

March 31, 2024
Posted by Lucy

This is my great conversation today on ‘The Last Word’ with Matt Cooper, Ivan Perry and Melanie Nocher on childhood obesity. The conversation starts at 35:32. Enjoy

Relationship to food

March 28, 2024
Posted by Lucy

What if food wasn’t the bad guy? It seems so black and white sometimes. Fat is in: sugar is out! And it also seems that people want straight forward “Is this really good for me? Is this healthy? I’m being good at the moment so I can’t have that”. We place food, the ingredients we […]

Healthy Holidays

March 18, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Living Vacation Time to the Max: A Guide to Healthy holidays! I’ve been having some great conversations lately with Kendra Thornton @KendraThornton about staying healthy during holiday time. The fun, excitement and enjoyment of vacation time can be the perfect antidote to our busy daily lives. However, in a desire to “let go”, sometimes we […]

Bursting with Health for 2014

January 30, 2024
Posted by Lucy

  Well, its that January time of year, a promise of new start and a whole heaps of expectations for 2014.I’ve been slow to make any great plans or goals for this year, but instead have taken a more gentler approach to my health and wellbeing. I’ve thought about how my attitude towards food and […]

Are you Mindful Eating?

November 28, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Mindful Eating I realised, when writing my latest blog for the Irish Executive Network, just how many things I do while eating. The simple act of engaging with our food, being present while we eat, has a massive effect on how well we breakdown and absorb all those fabulous nutrients from the food we eat. […]

The Effect of Low Blood Sugar Levels

November 11, 2023
Posted by Lucy

See my blog for the Irish Executives Network below on what low blood sugar levels are really about: Tuesday Revelations. Things always go a little funny on a Tuesday and it’s taken me a while to figure out why. The day starts off well as I have a great business support group that meets at […]

IBS Support Testmonial

October 29, 2023
Posted by Lucy

I work with many different types of people regarding IBS Support. Love this recent testimonial from a client who recently received IBS support. It made me realise how many people dread meal times when they suffer from digestive problems. Luckily, digestive disturbances can be managed and you can actually start feeling good again! “I had […]

Health Benefits of Plant Oils

October 14, 2023
Posted by Lucy

I had so much fun with Deirdre, Diane and Catherine doing this 4 week ‘Healthy Eating with Oils’ programme with Newgrange Gold. I find that cooking and using plant oils for health is one topic that confuses many people. However, working with the Newgrange Gold Rapeseed and Camelina oils, we came up with the ‘Nutrition […]

Tips for Sports Nutrition

September 29, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Top Tips for Sports Nutrition The whole area of sports nutrition has become a highly evolved and scientific area of expertise. Professional athletes have access to sports nutritionist and their nutrition is seen as important as their physical and mental activities. Yet, whether you are a weekend cyclist or training on an on-going basis with […]

Online Nutritionist testimonials

September 16, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Are my Online Nutritionist services right for you? I just love doing my work as an online nutritionist. It allows me to work with people all over the world, and it allows me to work in a way that is deeply motivating and truly inspirational. Here a few recent testimonials from people who have used my […]

Canteen Confusion

September 11, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Check out my latest blow with Irish Executive Network on fuelling your body the right way, for the whole day: The Canteen Paradox I was recently asked to take a look at the menus and snack options available in a canteen of an international company based in Dublin. Nothing unusual there, so off I went […]

New exciting collaboration with

September 2, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Delighted to get involved with the Cork based company College Dinners. I think its a great idea - supplying college students with the fresh ingredients for 4 evening meals every week. I’m looking forward to getting involved with the recipes and teaching students some of the basics in eating well at college. Here is […]

“Control my biscuit consumption” Testimonial

August 21, 2023
Posted by Lucy

I love the honesty in this recent testimonial of a client: I spent my entire life trying to control my biscuit consumption and the amount being far in excess on a daily basis of what I would consider the average person to have in a week. I even had biscuits for breakfast! As for my shopping […]

Balancing Blood Sugar Levels with Whole grains

July 11, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Eating excessive amounts of refined and simple carbohydrates can disrupt our blood sugar levels on an ongoing basis. Examples include white flour foods such as croissants, muffins, white bread, along with white rice and pasta. However, whole grain carbohydrates, such as brown rice, wholegrain or wholewheat bread, wholewheat pasta, wholegrain oats and rye etc can […]

Finding Balance this summer

June 19, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Below is my blog for the Irish Executives Network on how to create a healthy balance this summer. Balance is the key to ongoing health and wellbeing. Getting the healthy balance right   I’ve been spending quite a bit of time in the States this year and I’m gaining insight! Spending time in the American […]

Create Health - One step at a time

June 10, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Create health one step at a time For those who might be overwhelmed and not not know where to start, my article in this week’s Cork Independent is a great way to create health one step at a time. If you cannot read, simply click on the image and you can zoom in and out!

Sugar Content of your Favourite Cereals

April 17, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Just preparing for a talk at a local national school and had forgotten this chart I made up last year - I’m going to be talking to parents about how much ‘hidden’ sugar is in their favourite breakfast cereals:   Content of sugar in cereals American Heart Assoc recommends: added sugar intake for women is […]

Changing Food habits

March 25, 2024
Posted by Lucy

In my Irish Executive blog this month, I talk about changing food habits for the better. Do you have a long list of excuses about some of some of your food habits? Do some of them serve you well and others get in the way of good health? Read my blog below to find out […]

Reducing Processed Meats

March 13, 2024
Posted by Lucy

A recent article in the Irish Times talked about the link between processed meats and mortality: Processed meats are generally considered meat preserved by smoking, curing or salting, or addition of chemical preservatives.Ham, bacon, pastrami, sausages, hot dogs and luncheon meats are all considered processed meat. Eaten in excess they can be damaging to your […]

‘Warm me Up’ Butternut squash soup

February 11, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Butternut Squash Soup Its freezing! So rather than just sit here and shiver I decided to create a soup to warm the soul. I didn’t just use the warming effects of having a bowl of butternut squash soup for lunch (sorry salads, I’m giving you a miss for a while) but I also added herbs […]

Still no Health Goals?

February 1, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Setting Healthy Goals Still stuck on creating health goals for the year? Perhaps today is the perfect today is the perfect day to think about it. Read my blog for Irish Executives Network below: Lets start here with you, because that is where you are. Setting healthy goals Another year, another reason to set ourselves a range of […]

Want to keep your New Year’s Resolutions?

January 9, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Check out my article in the Evening Echo on how to keep healthy for the whole year. click double click on it to expand 🙂

Great article on how I’m living high life

January 4, 2024
Posted by Lucy

New Year Simple Healthy Eating Tips

January 2, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Healthy eating tips Its that time of year! Time to dust off the cobwebs and get out there to start the New Year that way you want. Here are some healthy eating tips to get you started: Some healthy eating tips to get you thinking about how you are eating now and how you might want to adapt […]

Your Liver is for Life, not just for Christmas

December 21, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Foods for Liver Health With the Christmas social season in full swing, this is the time of year that people tend to be a little excessive! There are numerous Christmas catch ups and the usual Monday to Friday routine of eating gets thrown out the window. Also, with all of these social gatherings usually comes […]

Give the Gift of Health this Christmas: Food for Living Christmas Vouchers

December 10, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Health Vouchers Back due to popular demand, this year I have Christmas health vouchers available for those wanting to give a ‘healthy’ gift this Christmas. The vouchers can be used on either my Skype nutrition programmes or my healthy eating meal plans. Contact me on 086 8179964 or for more details on my health vouchers.

Enhance your Vitality this Autumn with Food and Yoga

September 18, 2023
Posted by Lucy

“Enhancing vitality” Yoga & Nutrition Workshop to Support & Boost your Immune System this Autumn Yoga Sequences designed to open the body increasing energy & flexibility, aiding digestion & organ health. Nutrition talk on the best foods for this autumn. Discussion on which ingredients will boost your health and keep you well […]

Is Weight Loss Really A Matter Of Colour?

July 20, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Eat a Rainbow When you think of the term eat a rainbow, you often think about fruits and vegetables. Yet, equally important in the ‘eat a rainbow’ everyday analogy, is about choosing the colour of your carbs! There are two main areas of nutrition that I spend my life educating people about: the first is […]

Craving Something Sweet

July 13, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Many people who come and see me suffer from a sweet tooth. Generally just after eating, they feel the need for something sweet or at around 11 or 4 they feel a little low in energy and feel they need something sweet to lift them. This is often a result of an imbalance in their […]

4 Week Weight Loss Plan Focus towards Health

June 28, 2023
Posted by Lucy

4 Week Weight Loss Plan Over the next four weeks I’m going to concentrate on the a 4 week weight loss plan giving you the main tips I find work best in my nutrition programmes. It will be a 4 week Weight Loss Plan! These tips are taken from my Weight Loss Meal Plans. This […]

Anti-inflammatory Foods

May 22, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Anti-inflammatory Foods for Everyday Love this article on the anti-inflammatory foods that you can include on a daily basis. Certain foods, when they are eaten, promote an inflammatory response or an anti-inflammatory response when they are consumed. I do a lot of work with people in my nutrition programmes to balance their consumption of both: How many […]

Fibre for Kids

May 21, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Fibre for Kids Wondering what is the correct amount of fibre for kids? Remember that fibre is an essential nutrient for children, keeping their imune systems and digestive systems in check! Great sources of fibre for kids are fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, beans and lentils and whole grains such as oats and brown […]

Healthy Eating Guidelines

May 17, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Food for Living blog Just found this great resource from Food Safety Authority Ireland on healthy eating: Scientific Recommendations for Healthy Eating Guidelines in IrelandFree PDF Download Its got some great visual aids to help you understand portion sizes! Happy Reading

Reading the Label

May 16, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Just read the label I recently found a great website on how to ‘read the label’ from the NHS: Learning how to read the label of the foods you buy on a weekly basis is the single biggest step you can make towards creating the health you want. Knowing what is in the food you […]

Cereal Bars uncovered: Are cereal bars healthy?

May 2, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Are cereal bars healthy? I was just down in my local supermarket doing research for a school tomorrow. I was looking specifically at sugar in cereal and snack bars. I often get asked the question “Are cereal bars healthy?” These are a great convenient options for people, especially for kids with lunch boxes, but the […]

Nutrition and Chemo

November 21, 2023
Posted by Lucy

I’ve been doing some great work at the moment with Jim Fisher, from around cooking and eating while undergoing chemotherapy. I often see patients who are trying to manage eating well while they are undergoing chemo. Check out my article with this great chef on or read below: Ideas to make chemotherapy more […]

Pimp up your salad

June 30, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Pimp up your salad: Carrot, chickpea and toasted cashew salad I recently talked about a healthy salad dressing and just how easy it was to create a different dressing every day, if you wanted to! Once you have the basic formula, you can create any taste or flavour you want. I also noticed, however, that many people […]

Enjoying your BBQ with tomato salsa sald

June 24, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Giant tomato salsa salad with lentils It’s that time of year. Come hail or shine, we naturally start thinking about dusting off the barbeques for summer and firing them up for some seriously tasty meat and fish. However, burnt and char grilled meats do bring with them some health risks, particularly in the form of […]

Is the Placebo Effect the way to good health?

May 27, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Interesting video on the Placebo Effect: The Placebo Effect

Reading labels

May 17, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Often get confused when reading labels? How do you know if the amount on the label is high or low? Here are so general guides: How do I know if a food is high in fat, saturated fat, sugar or salt? There are guidelines to tell you if a food is high in fat, saturated […]

Calcium levels in food

February 23, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Wednesday 23rd February Just thought I would share this chart with you. We tend to be a little bit dairy obsessed in this country when it comes to calcium, but I believe a healthy diet is a varied diet, where we get all our daily nutrients from a range of foods. You might find that […]

Sugar levels in cereals

January 31, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Monday 31st January I found this on a recent article on-line. It shows just how much sugar is in cereals, especially children’s cereal. In my nutrition clinic, I work with parents to look at healthier alternatives to shop bought high sugar cereals: Is cereal the healthiest way to start the day? With many breakfast cereals […]

Top 10 Healthy Eating tips for 2011

January 6, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Thursday 6th January 2011 Check out my Top ten Healthy Eating Tips for 2011 in the Cork Independent today: Get your ‘five a day’ Eating at least 5 fruit and vegetables a day is up there at the top! Reduce your saturated fat intake Saturated fats are predominantly animal fats so reduce your meat […]

Christmas healthy eating tips - looking after your liver

December 23, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Thursday 23rd December Check out my article in today’s Cork Indo and find out you can look after yourself over the party season: With the Christmas social season in full swing, this is the time of year that people tend to be a little excessive! There are numerous Christmas catch ups and the usual […]

Healthy Eating Tips for Christmas

December 22, 2023
Posted by Lucy

  Christmas time is a time for celebration and enjoyment and certainly about food. Eat well and cook well over the Christmas period and remember a few basic tips: 1) Firstly, watch those portion sizes. We tend to eat out a lot of the Christmas period and so we lose control of our ability to […]

Healthy Eating Tips - Keeping a healthy Christmas

December 15, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Below is an article that I was interviewed on for a “Healthy Christmas” in the National Media How to Beat the Bulge this Christmas by Deirdre Reynolds Ireland’s calorie-counters are being given an early Christmas present — the elusive secret to lasting weight loss. While Atkins and the Cabbage Soup diet showed us how to […]

All about Iron

December 13, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Monday 13th December I just thought I’d right a little about iron - as its a question many people are confused about. There are two types of iron - heme and non heme iron - which often depends on where the iron comes from. In animal foods, iron is often attached to proteins called heme […]

The Importance of Protein

December 9, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Thursday 9th December Check out my article in today’s Cork Independent about what protein is and why its so important. Here is a simple recipe which has protein added to make it a perfect healthy eating lunch: I was doing a cooking demonstration recently for a national school, where I taught a group of […]

Some ideas for lunch

December 8, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Wednesday 8th December One question I get asked a lot is - what can I bring for lunch or what can I eat on the road? Here are some simple suggestions for those on the move: Keep your leftovers from last night and bring in to reheat - simple and cost effective. Soup in a […]

Walnuts and Omega 3

December 7, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Monday 7th December The great thing about walnuts is that it takes only 1/4 cup or one small handful to get 90% of your required Omega 3 essential fatty acids. Omega 3s need to be eaten from foods and once consumed have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body - which is good news for those […]

Warming Herbal Teas

December 2, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Homemade herbal teas At this time of year, it can feel as though you never warm up! And that is in spite of the extra layers and central heating. Or you could be one of those people who come to see in my clinic that say that they are always cold and just can’t seem […]

Why are antioxidants so important!

November 30, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Tuesday 30th November I often talk about the anti-oxidant and phytonutrient properties of certain foods and people always nod in agreement! However, do they really know why they are nodding! I find that people know they are important but are not sure why!! So here is a little crash course: The term anti-oxidants generally relates […]

Healthy Eating tips to keep you warm

November 29, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Monday 29th November Its freezing outside so remember there are a range of herbs and spices to keep you warm. I find the list below the best to use when it gets really cold and are also fabulous in terms of helping to keep your healthy eating options even tastier! Ginger - (dried ginger is […]

When and how to wean!

November 25, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Thursday 25th November Check out my article for the Cork Independent below that discuss when and how to wean babies. The weaning process if key to a child’s potential development of allergies and digestive difficulties in later life and the below give you some handy hints: Having talked about how to deal with Picky […]

Rancid Oils

November 22, 2023
Posted by Lucy

  Many factors can affect the tendency of an oil to become rancid. The first is too much exposure to air. Since oxidative rancidity is the most likely kind of rancidity to affect your food oils, you always want to keep those oils in bottles that are tightly capped. (A tightly capped bottle will help […]

Allergies Expert Says Peanut Bans Are an Over action to Food Allergies

November 16, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Tuesday 16th November I found this article on allergies , written by Avril Fulton, and thought it was interesting. I often come up with people with allergy issues so this throws open the issue for debate: Allergies Expert Says Peanut Bans Are an Over action to Food Allergies Peanuts, above all food allergens, get a […]

Reduce sugar containing soft drinks

November 9, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Tuesday 9th July, 2010 Check out this. It is one of many issues with consuming sugary drinks. Most of my clients who suffer from gout are male, but this research has been done on females: Gout In Women, A Not So Sweet Outcome Of Sugar-Sweetened Drinks Women who consume fructose-rich beverages, such as sugar-sweetened soft […]

Fast Food restaurants

November 8, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Monday 8th November Study: Fast food marketing up, food still unhealthy Fast food marketing to children is on the rise, according to a new study, and the foods that popular restaurant chains are advertising are extremely unhealthy. The report, released Monday by Yale University’s Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity, looked at 12 popular […]

Know your Fats

November 4, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Thursday 4th November Check out my article today in the Cork Independent as I try to de-mystify the whole area of oils. Its not an easy one to tackle but hopefully over the next two weeks I’ll make it a little clearer for you. I feel that one issue that people who come to […]

Importance of Eating breakfast

November 2, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Tuesday 2nd November I always talk to my clients about the importance of having breakfast. Even if its just a home made smoothie which you can take on the run, of a bowel of porridge or muesli to have at home or in the office, it sets you up for the day. The key is […]

Eating your fruit and vegetables every day

November 1, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Monday 1st November I just found this on and it backs up most of what I’ve been talking about with regard to getting in your 5 fruit and vegetables every day. Remember its so easy to do. Simply have some fruit with breakfast and as an afternoon snack (two portions) and then have one […]

Great bean website

October 29, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Friday, October 29th This is such a great site for bean and pulses recipes… just what you need to get you started on the road to a more healthy varied diet. I often try to get my clients in my nutrition clinic to incorporated more beans and lentils in to their diets as the research […]

A positive healthy mental attitude

October 26, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Tuesday 26th October Just found this and thought you might find it interesting. I’m always trying to re-enforce the importance of positive mental attitude and social support in my nutrition clinic: Many studies have documented the dangers of the traditional negative physical risk factors on health - excessive smoking, drinking and being overweight. But […]

Healthy lunches

October 19, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Tuesday 19thOctober I really liked the healthy eating lunches suggestion on this website Check it out:

The benefits of apples

October 18, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Monday 18th October Sometimes its the simplest ingredients on our shelves that assist good health: Great fact: The total antioxidant activity of 100g of apple (an apple with peel) is equivalent to antioxidant effect of 1,500 mg of vitamin C!

Food for Living Coverage - Latest Interview at Cork Meet

October 12, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Tuesday 12th October Check out my interview with Paul O Mahony of Marketing Write Now It takes a few minutes to load but just press play and off you go

Feeling fuller for longer

October 11, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Monday 11th October I found this article on key tips to making you feel fuller for longer and thought you’d enjoy it. Often I try to get people to eat foods that stay in their stomachs for longer, thus reducing their cravings later and making them feel satisfied for longer. Fiber is one of the […]

Food and Cancer Prevention

October 8, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Thursday 7th October Check out my article today in the Cork Independence on cancer prevention and diet, in aid of breast cancer cancer awareness: Many of the world’s cancer associations and organisations list diet and food as one of their top key fighters in terms of cancer. There has been large amount of research […]

Importance of Water drinking

October 5, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Tuesday October 5th I just found this on the and thought it was interesting: Kids Drink Too Little Water: Study Children in the United States are not drinking as much water as they should, and the deficiency can have far-reaching implications, a new study suggests. “Even mild dehydration can affect physiological function, and cause […]

Healthy Eating for Kids resource site

October 4, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Monday October 4th Check out the website below for some great tips and hints on keeping your child as healthy as possible. I know that I tend to focus a lot on food and nutrition in keeping your kids healthy, but I fully recognise that food is just one of many ways to look after your […]

Some basic questions on changing your health

October 1, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Friday 1st October I just found these two questions on and thought they were great!! Have a read: Won’t it be hard to change my eating habits? Probably, but even very small changes can improve your health considerably. The key is to keep trying to eat the right foods and stay in touch with […]

Increase your Metabolism

September 21, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Tuesday 21st September I found this article from Jesseny Rojas and thought you would find it interesting! Always remember that good health is as much about good nutrition as it is about keeping active… 6 ways to revitalize your metabolism By Jesseny Rojas The key to losing weight and keeping it off is to increase […]

Healthy Eating news - The Food for Living Nutrition Clinic is moving….

September 15, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Wednesday 15th September I’ve a great bit of news - as of next week the Food for Living nutrition clinics will be based out of Elmwood Medical Practice. This is a very exciting move for Food for Living as it places nutrition at the heart of one of the newest medical centres in Cork […]

School Lunches

August 30, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Monday 30th August What a great last weekend before the kids go back to school. Long may it last. One thing that loads of parents ask me about is school lunches! It seems that the sunshine this morning might have been clouded with discussions on what is wanted and not wanted in that lunch box. […]


August 27, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Friday 27th August I was asked by Oh Baby, a Cork based maternity magazine, to give some advice on eating during pregnancy. Have a read below and check out their Facebook Page: Nutrition and Pregnancy Pregnancy is a busy time for the body with loads going on. Looking after yourself is paramount for both […]

Healthy Eating blog - Summer break

July 30, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Friday 30th July Hey All, Just to let you know I’m off on hols for three weeks so will be returning at the end of August. I’m off to Spain for a yoga holiday so there will be plenty of healthy eating and detoxing while I’m away. Remember that I have heaps and heaps of […]

Healthy Eating Feedback

July 16, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Friday July 16th I’ve just received some great feedback from my latest healthy eating cookery course at Brennan’s in June 2010 - have a look at some of the comments below. “This has made me rethink how I cook and eat - I loved it all” “Now I realise I really have to make a […]

Healthy Eating Tips - Your Larder

July 6, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Tuesday 6th July I was talking to someone today about the importance of a well stocked larder and fridge/freezer. Its impossible to come home and cook your self a healthy meal when the cupboards are bare. Here is a reminder of some of the things to include so that you are never stuck!! Your Larder: […]

Huevos Rancheros (Yummy tomato eggs)

July 5, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Monday July 5th I’m back from a week’s holiday in Spain and France and am feeling great. Taking some time out makes such a difference - I’m not sure if its due to being away from the daily stresses of life, eating so much fresh fruits and vegetables or eating so much fish that does […]

Healthy Eating Tips - the Mediterranean Diet

June 25, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Friday June 25th Just letting you know I’m off on hols for a week so you won’t be hearing anything from me till Monday 5th July. I’m off to Spain and France on a food exploration tour so I hope to come back with plenty of recipe ideas… In the meantime, take this opportunity to […]

Healthy Eating Tips - Top 10 Most Filling Foods

June 22, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Tuesday June 22nd Just found this article on the Top 10 most filling foods - thought it might be of use. One thing I notice is that people who come into my clinic are rarely satisfied after they eat and so tend to then crave sweet things afterwards. Try eating meals that have both some […]


June 16, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Wednesday June 16th Yesterday I bought a lovely bunch of asparagus. The asparagus season lasts about 4-6 week so my advice is - eat as much as you can now!!!!!!!! Asparagus is a great prebiotic, which means its feeds the good gut bacteria - keeping your immune system in check. However, its also a good […]

Eating Out

June 15, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Tuesday June 15th I found this on and found it really useful…. If you’re trying to manage your calorie intake, eating out can be extremely challenging. Researchers recently surveyed people to find out which aspects of eating in restaurants they found most difficult when trying to watch their weight. They also asked what strategies […]

Healthy Eating cookery classes

June 9, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Wednesday 9th June I’ve just finished a two evening course at Brennan’s and here were some of the responses. The evenings went very well, with loads of talk and discussion on healthy eating. I’ve included below the information on my next course starting next week. Feedback from Brennan’s ‘Lose Weight for Summer’ cooking classes May […]

Healthy Eating Tips - Anti - Inflammatory Foods

June 9, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Wednesday 9th June The food you eat, as well as the way you eat your food, can have an effect on the level of inflammation within the body. Common inflammatory conditions include arthritis, asthma, eczema, hay fever, atherosclerosis, Ulcerative colitis. Even ongoing back or neck pain can result in an inflammatory state. Here are a […]

Health Eating cooking classes - comments

June 7, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Monday June 7th Just thought I’d update you with a few of the comment from my cooking classes. They are going down a real treat with people who are looking to make positive changes in their lives. If you are interested in attending one of my courses, check the ‘Whats coming up’ section of the […]

Healthy Eating cooking class

June 3, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Thursday 3rd June This month’s cookery course is already half full so book soon to avoid disappointment. Get Healthy For Summer Cooking Classes You’ll learn how to lose weight, feel better and increase your energy levels Food for Living’s Lucy Hyland teams up with chef Gary Masterson for a 2 evening healthy eating cooking programme […]

Healthy Eating tips from You Tube

June 2, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Wednesday 2nd June I found this on You- Tube - I love it!!


June 1, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Tuesday - June 1st I’ve just been to a great talk by Nikki Darrell, Medical Herbalist, from the Evergreen Clinic, talking about growing your own herbs for medicinal and culinary purposes. Here are some of the medicinal properties of some common herbs: Sage - Gargle for sore throats and gums. Treat excessive sweating and hot […]

Chicken and Pepper bake

May 31, 2023
Posted by Lucy

I had friends staying with me this weekend and they were amazed with what was coming out of the kitchen! People just assume that healthy good is going to bland and tasteless. However, when you chose to flavour your food with fresh herbs and spices, natural sweeteners and fruits etc rather than salt and sugar, […]

Healthy Eating Cooking Classes

May 27, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Get Healthy For Summer Cooking Classes You’ll learn how to lose weight, feel better and increase your energy levels Food for Living’s Lucy Hyland teams up with chef Gary Masterson for a 2 evening healthy eating cooking programme to change your eating habits forever… What are the superfoods that you need to eat on a […]

Food for Living blog - Article in WOW

May 20, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Thursday 20th May For those who missed my article in WOW yesterday, as part of my ‘Eat Real Food for Summer’ campaign, please find below…. Remember if you need some tips on how to eat healthy - check out my ‘tips on healthy eating’ section. Remember I’m starting a 2 evening ‘Healthy Eating for Summer’ […]

Cooking Classes Blog - Get Healthy for Summer Cooking classes

May 19, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Get Healthy For Summer Cooking Classes You’ll learn how to lose weight, feel better and increase your energy levels Food for Living’s Lucy Hyland teams up with chef Gary Masterson for a 2 evening healthy eating cooking programme to change your eating habits forever… What are the superfoods that you need to eat on a […]

Food for Living blog - ‘Eat Real Food this Summer’ campaign

May 19, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Wednesday 19th May Check out my health tips and recipes in my article today in the WOW, Evening Echo. I’ve recipes include: Grilled Chicken and Mixed bean Salsa Spinach Salad with Toasted Nuts and Seeds Cumin and Lime Hummus Its all part of my campaign to get people to ‘Eat Real food this Summer’. Check […]

Food for Living blog - The Eat Real Food this Summer Campaign

May 18, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Tuesday May 17th I’m on a bit of a mission at the moment! Its short and its simple and its going to my theme for the next few months…. Lets all commit to eating real food for the summer. This is the perfect way to start healthy living. By real food I mean food that […]

Great resource website - healthy eater planner

May 17, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Monday - May 17th I’ve just found this great PDF on the Bord Bia website and thought I’d share it - its a great start for a healthy eating plan: My only tips with regard the healthy eating recipes would be: Where they fry things in oil, for example the lamb burgers, I would […]

Food for Living Blog - Essential for Losing Weight

May 11, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Monday May 10th One of the most important ingredient for losing weight is switching from refined carbohydrate such as white rice, white pasta and white bread to complex or whole grain carbohydrate such as good quality brown bread, brown rice and wholemeal pasta. The outer husk of the grain which is removed when brown rice […]

Food for Living blog - Don’t forget!

May 5, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Wednesday May 5th Lose weight for Summer Food for Living has designed a 2 week cookery programme to change your eating habits forever. After the excesses of Winter, it’s time to learn how to prepare delicious meals that both taste great and help the body to lose weight. This 2 week programme will allow you to watch […]

Eating more Fiber

May 5, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Wednesday May 3rd You know how much I love the topic of fiber! It not the most exciting topic and yet the effect it can have on health is incredible. Most people coming into my clinic are not eating enough fiber and when they start making changes in their fiber content then notice such changes. […]

Resource website

April 30, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Friday 30th April I’ve just found this great website, funded by the HSE. Its got some good ideas and is worth checking out… There recipes are ok but I love their meal planners…

Food for Living blog - Photos from Feel Good Look Good Kinsale

April 27, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Tuesday, 27th April Here is a photo from last Wednesday’s Feel Good Look Good Kinsale - it was such a great night. I worked closely with Jola from Jola’s restaurant in designing the canapes for the night. I talked about the principles of healthy eating and presented the food at the same time. I always […]

Healthy cooking classes blog - ‘Lose Weight for Summer’

April 26, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Monday, 26th April Check out my next healthy eating class for May….. Lose weight for Summer Food for Living has designed a 2 week cookery programme to change your eating habits forever. After the excesses of Winter, it’s time to learn how to prepare delicious meals that both taste great and help the body to lose weight. […]

Food for Living blog - Feel Good Look Good Kinsale

April 19, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Tuesday 19th April Check out the details of this Kinsale event I’m speaking that promises to be a night of fun, fun, fun….. Healthy Eating at Kinsale event

Healthy Cooking Course blog - Upcoming Cookery Course

April 16, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Lose weight for Summer Food for Living has designed a 2 week cookery programme to change your eating habits forever. After the excesses of Winter, it’s time to learn how to prepare delicious meals that both taste great and help the body to loose weight. This 2 week programme will allow you to watch the preparation and […]

Food for Living blog - comments

April 15, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Thursday 15th April Just a note to say thanks for all of the emails recently with questions on health and cooking - its great to see everyone taking such an interest in their health. Please feel free to start posting these queries as comments (each blog has a comment section down the bottom) and this […]

Food for Living Blog - Great Recipe Photos

April 9, 2024
Posted by Lucy

  Friday 9th April I’m just uploading a wide range of photos on to the website and thought I’d give you a look at a few of my favourites!! This work was done by Gabrille Morehead who is a brilliant food photographer. I tried to get as much information out of her as I possibly […]

Food for Living blog - Upcoming Kinsale event

April 8, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Thursday 8th April Check this out… I have tickets as well if you can’t get down to Kinsale to get them!!

Food for Living Blog - Evening Echo Article

April 8, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Thursday 8th April I know many people missed my Evening Echo WOW articleon St Patrick’s Day so I’ve attached it here. Remember, we are finally starting to feeling like Spring is in the air and I’ve started having nettle tea for breakfast. Nettle is a great Spring time tea and, as well as its vitamins and […]

Handy websites: My chef at home

April 7, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Wednesday 7th April I’m starting to get quite a few requests to do home based demos around the country - I know so few people are blending the cookery demonstrations with specific health issues. Its great to be able to give people advice on healthy eating in the relaxed home environment. I found this site […]

Handy website: Good Food blog

April 6, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Tuesday 6th April Just thought I’d share with you Donal Skehan’s food blog - I love this guys enthusiasm and love of good Irish food - there should be chef’s out there like this guy!! Enjoy him too…

Healthy Eating recipes blog

March 12, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Check my ‘What’s Coming Up’ section for information about my 4 week cookery course that will change your eating habits and have you feeling fabulous! Thursday March 25th Just arrived back from the launch of the Blue Haven ‘Casual Cooking’ cookbook. Its a lovely little cookbook for the spring and summer, with plenty of easy tasty […]


March 12, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Cabbage I think many people have been turned off cabbage due to poor cooking in the past and so I’ll give you a few tasty recipes to help with this. Cabbage belong to the cruciferous family (Brassica) and so share many of the incredible health properties of kale and broccoli mentioned previously. As a reminder!! […]


February 15, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Chicken Chicken is an incredibly versatile ingredient and can be so tasty when cooked well. For those who are trying to cut back on their saturated fat intake (which have been linked to increased rates of heart disease and cancer), lean chicken is considered more of a healthy eating option, especially chicken with its skin […]

Healthy Food tips

February 1, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Tuesday May 17th I’m on a bit of a mission at the moment! Its short and its simple and its going to my theme for the next few months…. Lets all commit to eating real food for the summer. By real food I mean food that has not been processed to such an extent that […]


February 1, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Its often hard to find kale in supermarkets so I was half tempted not to put it in but most good fruit and vegetable shops and farmers markets sell kale at this time of year. The reason I decided to include it is we are all feeling a bit ‘post Christmas’ at the moment and […]

Happy New Year to You

January 7, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Dear All A happy and healthy 2010 to you all. I hope one of your New Year’s resolutions is to keep your health as one of your top priorities. In order to achieve this, I’ll be packing the Food for Living newsletter with tips and advice on healthy eating for the rest of the year. […]

Key tips for Healthy Eating

December 13, 2023
Posted by Lucy

For those who attended my talk in November, here are some of the basics I discussed on the night. I focus on what is important in terms of a healthy diet and more importantly, practical suggestions for you to implement.. now its over to you. My tips for healthy eating Eat a wide variety of […]

Planning and Shopping

December 12, 2023
Posted by Lucy

OK.. so before you even get into the kitchen, you need to be prepared in terms of your ingredients and recipes. This begins at the start of the week, with some simple planning and some good shopping practices this really assists you in making positive steps towards healthy eating. Be prepared: Sit down once a […]

Your Larder and Fridge

December 11, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Your larder and fridge being well stocked up means there are alot greater chances of you producing a home cooked meal that will keep on the track of healthy eating. When shopping, look around the world: Asia, South American, Mediterranean, Middle East, Caribbean all offer so much and these ingredients are available from your local food shops […]

The Important Building Blocks to Healthy Eating

December 10, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Here are foods for healthy eating on a daily basis: Carbohydrates Glucose from carbohydrates provides fuel for the brain and not as adequate supply leads to tiredness, irritability and lack of concentration. Chose complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains which provide both glucose and fibre. Fibre is essential for over all health. Proteins Amino Acids from proteins […]

Cooking and Equipment

December 9, 2023
Posted by Lucy

So now you have the ingredients… what are you going to do with them? Cooking Best methods of cooking are steaming, grilling, stir frying and baking in terms of healthy eating. Char grilling, frying, deep frying and cooking at high temperatures are less favourable - production of Acrylamides (mainly from grains) and HCA (highly cooked […]

Food for Living Healthy Eating Christmas Newsletter

December 9, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Christmas specials Just a little note to say a big Happy Christmas to you all and thanks for all your support and advice in 2009. Here is to a great 2010!! Here are a few recipes for you to consider over the Christmas holiday. I’ve tried to reduce the amount of sugar and simple carbohydrates and […]


December 9, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Onions are part of the allium family, remember all those benefits I talked about a few weeks ago with leeks. Due to their sulphur containing phytonutrients and their relatively high levels of chromium, onions help to balance your blood sugar levels through out the day. Its great to include these in any healthy eating plan. So having […]

Healthy Fish recipes and tips

December 8, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Fish Tips Below are some healthy eating tips and recipe suggestions to help you achieve your healthy eating goals: Oily, white and steaks Great source of protein, Omega 3s and zinc, iron, selenium and vitamins A, C, D Linked to brain health and heart health Keep large fish consumption, tuna, swordfish, king mackerel to 1-2 […]

Healthy Eating tips and cooking tips with Grains

December 7, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Healthy Eating tips and cooking tips with Grains Example of whole grains: Quinoa – high protein grain with manganese and magnesium Amaranth – contains good source protein and calcium, magnesium, fibre and Vitamin C. Brown rice – short grain (chewy, nutty) and long grain (light and flurry) as well brown basmati – Contains more fibre […]

Healthy Eating tips and cooking tips with Beans and Lentils

December 6, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Healthy Eating tips and cooking tips with Beans and Lentils Some facts on Beans and Lentils Wide variety available tinned (read label) and dried Legumes include pulses and beans Great source of protein, fibre and folate, potassium, iron and magnesium Add to stews, salad, curry or chilli Puree for dips Use instead of meat or […]

Healthy Eating tips and cooking tips for Vegetables

December 5, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Healthy Eating tips and cooking tips for Vegetables There are so so many different vegetables to chose from, you could never get bored!! Cooking Tips Steam •Use steamer or a dash of water •Can add flavours afterwards, chopped herbs, dash of oil, hint of spices Stir fry Ginger and garlic, Onion and chilli Lime and […]

Healthy Eating Tips with Nuts and Seeds

December 4, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Healthy Eating Tips with Nuts and Seeds Nuts Store in cool dark place, buy unsalted and unprocessed. Adequate source protein and contain a range of vitamins (A and D, B2, B3, B1) and minerals (magnesium, calcium, potassium, zinc and iron) and Essential Fatty Acids. Highest protein levels in peanuts. Little healthy eating snack idea: toasted […]

Tips with Healthy Eating Desserts

December 3, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Tips with Healthy Eating Desserts Use fruits – stew in cinnamon and nutmeg Use vegetables – carrots, beetroot, squash Compote – dried fruit, cover with water and cinnamon stick, boil and zest of lemon Flapjacks with nuts, seeds and fruit Pies or crumbles with ground nuts, oats and rice flour Use of desiccated coconut Use […]

Help with Healthy Eating Quick Meals

December 2, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Help with Healthy Eating Quick Meals Frittata - use eggs as your pizza base and top with vegetables Stir fries with selection of vegetables and topping (chicken, fish, tofu) Soups and stews – ready in under 30 mins (see recipes section) Tinned/fresh chopped tomato with onions, garlic, herbs and tin of beans with a grain […]

Help with Healthy Eating Snacks

December 1, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Help with Healthy Eating Snacks Sliced fresh fruit Sliced fresh vegetables with dips that are vegetable or bean based, e.g. hummus, guacamole Whole grain crackers and good quality cheese Yogurt with toasted oats or fruit Yogurt with toasted nuts and seeds Fig, or other dried fruit, mixed with toasted nuts and seeds Home made popcorn […]

Cooking with onions

November 24, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Hey All, Hope you had a great week cooking. Last week I talked in Cork and Dublin to almost 150 people about the practical implementation of healthy eating and the response was overwhelming! There are just so many people who want to start making positive changes in terms of their health, most of them are […]


November 24, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Healthy Fish recipes and eating with Salmon The fascinating thing about salmon is that they are born in fresh water, travel to saltwater oceans to live and return to the very place they were born to spawn- now if they are clever enough to do this they they must be good for healthy eating and […]

Cooking with Salmon

November 17, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Hey All Hope you enjoyed the new snappy newsletter last week and I hope the leeks went down well. I started thinking about the mackerel dish and just how beneficial oily fish are for you, the research is overwhelming, so this week I thought I’d cover another one of our favourite oily fish… Healthy Eating […]


November 17, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Healthy Eating with Leeks Leeks are the part of Allium family, which also contains onions, shallots and scallions (but I think leeks are a little more delicate in flavour). All these vegetables share many healthy promoting properties and should be part of any healthy eating plan. When selecting leeks try to go for ones that are firm and […]

Cooking with Leeks

November 10, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Ok… ok… Last week I got so excited about all the research into broccoli that I think I may have overwhelmed you slightly. I just can’t help it. I see these common vegetables, sitting on farmers market stalls or in the supermarket, and they don’t have packets on them. This means no health claims, no […]


November 10, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Healthy Eating and health tips with Broccoli Broccoli is a member of the cabbage family and the ultimate vegetable for healthy eating, and is closely related to cauliflower. Broccoli provides a range of tastes and textures, from soft and flowery (the floret) to fibrous and crunchy (the stem and stalk). Try to choose broccoli with […]

The Pumpkin

November 4, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Healthy Eating with the Pumpkin Pumpkins are part of a family called winter squash and its many close relatives include butternut squash, acornsquash and Kabocha. Most of the larger pumpkins you see around you this week are too stringy to be used for cooking so for cooking purposes, buy the smaller pumpkins called Sugar Pumpkins or […]

Cooking with broccoli

November 4, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Hey All, Hope you had a great week cooking and enjoyed Halloween. This week my star ingredient is broccoli as there is so many varieties of it around at the moment. Broccoli is part the cruciferous vegetable family. Other members are cauliflower, cabbage, kale, Bok Choy and Brussels sprouts. You are going to hear me on […]

Cooking with pumpkin

October 26, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Hey All, Hope you had a great week cooking. Its starting to get colder and Halloween is almost upon us so this week’s star ingredient is the pumpkin… The Pumpkin This week the shelves of the supermarkets, farmers markets and grocery stores will be packed with huge bright orange pumpkins and so what better time to […]

All about Apples

October 18, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Hey All Hope you had a great week cooking. Remember, if you know anyone who is interested in cooking and health, pass on the website details and get them to sign up to my weekly newsletter. As you know, I’ll always try to use ingredients each week that are seasonal and, if possible, local making […]

Chickpeas - the Star of the Beans

October 18, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Chickpeas, also known as Garbanzo beans, are the most widely consumed legumes in the world and a great one to start with. If you are serious about improving your diet and healthy eating, then legumes and pulses of all types should be on your shopping list. The recommended servings is 5 portions a week as […]

Cooking with Chickpeas

October 12, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Hey All Hope you had a great week cooking. Do let me know how you get on with the recipes and what you think. I did get some feedback that the carrot soup was a little sweet, feel free to drop the desert spoon of honey down to a teaspoon in this recipe if you prefer. […]


October 12, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Healthy Eating with Carrots The Carrot : Facts and Health Tips Carrots are a great addition to healthy eating and a good source of: Vitamin A (carotene) which means them great for your vision, boosting your immunity and your growth as well as being a powerful antioxidant, Vitamin K which is essential for effective blood […]

Cooking with Carrots

October 2, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Congratulations! You’ve taken the first step towards healthy eating… This is the first of the Food for Living weekly newsletters. If you’re not part of our mailing list, then simply subscribe on the home page. Each week, the newsletter will contain some handy health tips, some tasty recipes and the motivation you need to keep going. […]