Nutritionist Lucy Hyland

Category Archives: Whole Grain Recipes

Wheat free ‘Rye’ drop scones

March 11, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Rye Wheat Free Scones Since Christmas, I’ve been keeping myself as wheat-free as possible and I’m finding it is suiting me well. Much less ‘full feeling’ after eating and much less uncomfortable bloated-ness. The one area I miss wheat is in the bread department - perhaps something to start the day with or have with […]

Recipe for cheese scones

November 29, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Anyone in the mood for some comfort food? I designed this recipe for cheese scones just for this! These cold days just lend themselves to huge bowls of soup and hot scones. Scones can be given a bad wrap from a health perspective. They can be filled with sugar, white flour, and dried fruit. As […]

Quinoa Salad Recipes with Beetroot

September 4, 2023
Posted by Lucy

The story with quinoa salad recipes… I’ve just finished a fabulous yoga and nutrition workshop at Kinsale Yoga Centre. The theme of the workshop was ‘Enhancing Vitality’ and the aim of the workshop was to show people how both food and yoga could be used to help you stay well this autumn. From a food […]

Healthy Breakfasts Ideas- Rice Bake

October 27, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Background story for healthy breakfast ideas Many of the people who come to see me in my Nutrition Clinic do not eat breakfast or eat a breakfast that is not complete. The skipping of breakfast results in a range of behaviours later in the day, mainly overeating, reduced energy levels and craving sweet foods. In […]

Flaxseed and Apple Pancakes

October 20, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Flaxseed and Apple Pancakes Flaxseeds are becoming more and more popular in health food stores and supermarkets and it’s no wonder! Nuts and seeds always seems to top the chart in terms of health benefits, being a great source of protein, good quality fats and a range of nutrients. However, flaxseeds provide something a little […]

Rice and Pesto salad

July 14, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Pesto Perfection I initially started thinking about looking at different products on the shelves as a result of the many questions I get asked in my nutrition centre. People have a tendency to bring in packets or jars that they have found and ask me whether they are ‘healthy’ or not. A few weeks ago, […]

Whole wheat pasta salad

April 14, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Thursday 14th April, Check out article today in the Cork Independent or read below: I hear one excuse over and over again from clients. They say ‘I come home and open the cupboards to make my meal and there is nothing to eat’. It is so important to keep your cupboards regularly stocked and […]

Leek and Butternut soup

Thursday 24th March Check out my article in today’s Cork Independent on one pot wonders or read below: One pot wonders I was making up a soup the other day as part of my Spring detox programme, hoping I could put the complete meal into the one pot. I have taken out wheat and […]

Red Kidney Bean and Brown Rice salad

February 3, 2024
Posted by Lucy

I know you are probably tired of hearing about carbs but they are crucial to health and especially weight loss. I often talk about the importance of choosing complex carbohydrates over refined grains. I got several questions back regarding what a complex carbohydrate actually is. Understanding the processing of grains is useful in order to […]

Homemade whole wheat brown scones

January 27, 2024
Posted by Lucy

In my nutrition clinic, I often spend time talking about the basic principles food and health. People are often confused about terms such as protein, they wonder about the various types of fat and they often get confused about the issue of carbohydrates and sugars. These basic principles are actually the key to healthy eating […]

Healthy Yogurt Pizza Dough Recipes

October 14, 2023
Posted by Lucy

In the below recipe, you can use anything for a topping. I generally try to reduce down the cheese topping and generally use pesto with chopped peppers, sauted onions with olives or thinly sliced tomatoes with fresh basil. Every time I do this recipe the consistency is different so if you feel this is too […]

Courgette scones

September 30, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Courgette and Cheese scones I find courgettes are at their best at the height of summer. They are sweet enough to chop or grate into salads. I also find that they are often on special offer, which means I have a few handfuls of them in my fridge. Courgettes are a great addition to breads, […]

Yogurt Brown Bread

August 24, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Wholewheat bread at its best! I just found a bit of yogurt in the fridge that was almost past its best! Rather than throw it out, I thought I’d make some bread with it… I love the idea of yogurt bread as I find many people can digest yogurt a little easily than milk - […]

Home made Pizza

July 7, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Homemade Healthy pizza The great thing about pizza is you can make up whatever you want. You can use rocket, mushrooms, sliced fennel etc. Add your favourite herbs; fresh coriander, parsley, chives or thyme works well, or whatever cheeses you want; feta, goats’ cheese, mozzarella, cheddar etc PrintHome made Pizza Ingredients3 wholemeal pitta breads Homemade […]


June 3, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Make your own Breakfast Cereals We have been told for a number of years now that convenience food is more convenient than making your own, yet it seems that this message is not true. Making your own meals works out cheaper and often a lot easier than people imagine. It’s actually very straightforward to go […]

Quinoa and Rocket Salad

Friday 14th May I’m just back from a photo shoot for an article I’m doing next week and I had a whole range of whole grains and fresh vegetables with me. The photographer was a bit puzzled by the quinoa and so I explained to him that this grain is considered a bit of a […]

Bulghur Wheat and Baby Spinach Salad

May 6, 2023
Posted by Lucy

I’m always trying to introduce new whole grains to people to improve their healthy living and so they can have a variety of options in their cupboard. Whole grains are important for healthy eating as they they are packed full of fiber and the nutrients you need to convert the carbohydrates in the grain into […]

Buckwheat and vegetable Asian Salad

May 3, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Tuesday May 2nd This weekend I did the chef’s table at Chapter One. I was blown away by the food and it deserves all of its rave reviews! Not only the tastes and flavours but also the beauty of each creation on the plate. What I found very interesting by the heavy influence of Asian […]


April 28, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Wednesday April 28th Its good to start expanding the range of ingredients in your cupboards - it helps add variety to your diet. In terms of your healthy eating plan, having potatoes or pasta every day is just not varied enough, especially when you have so much choice now. Below is a recipe containing bulgur […]

Quinoa and Lentil Salad

April 16, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Friday 16th, 2010 Remember how I talked about the importance of whole grains the other day. Well this salad below contains one of the nicest whole grains around… quinoa. For some reason people freak out when I mention this grain, like its a deep mystery and can only be cooked by masters!! However, its so […]

Brown Rice and Kidney bean salad

April 13, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Tuesday, 21st April One advantage of blogging is that you can sit on the balcony with the sun pouring down and still be considered ‘working’. I had a client in earlier today who wasn’t clear what I meant by the term wholegrain carbohydrate. I get so used to educating people in my clinics that I […]

Spinach and Quinoa Salad

March 31, 2024
Posted by Lucy

PrintSpinach and Quinoa Salad IngredientsServes 4 200g of baby spinach 1 cup of quinoa 1-2 tablespoons of sunflower seeds 1-2 tablespoons of pumpkin seeds 1-2 tablespoons of sesame seeds Dressing 2 handfuls flat leaf parsley 1 handful basil leaves 1 small handful mint leaves 2 garlic cloves, roughly chopped 4-6 anchovy fillets, rinsed 1 tsp capers 1 tbsp […]

Seeded Soda Bread

March 30, 2024
Posted by Lucy

I did a home based demo last night, which I always enjoy. It involves going into people’s kitchen and showing them how to cook a range of healthy eating dishes and recipes. Last night was 8 friends, and one of the questions they asked was about bread. I gave them this very simple soda bread […]

Saturday Morning Pancakes

March 19, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Friday March 19th, 2010 Its the weekend and there is nothing nicer than a yummy breakfast when you get up on Saturday morning. Here is slightly different idea for pancakes using oat flour and wheat germ to ensure a healthy eating plan ! Wheat germ contains a large amount of Vitamin E - this is […]

Wild rice stuffing

January 7, 2024
Posted by Lucy

  Healthy Eating recipes: Wild rice stuffing This is a great alternative to bread stuffing for those on a gluten free diet or for those intolerant to wheat. As an extra bonus, it contains more fibre, anti oxidants, nutrients and essential fatty acids!! Great with one of your favourite roasts. I use this a lot with chicken […]