Nutritionist Lucy Hyland

Category Archives: Fruit Recipes

Green Smoothie Recipes

July 16, 2023
Posted by Lucy

A range of Green Smoothie Recipes to get you started: Smoothies can be a great way of boosting your daily diet with extra nutrients. In order to get the most of your smoothies, I’ve put together a few basic tips: Smoothies are a great booster, but they are not a meal. Use them as a […]

Swiss Chard, Apple and Pear salad

October 2, 2023
Posted by Lucy

PrintSwiss Chard, Apple and Pear Salad Ingredients1 pear, chopped 1 apple, chopped A few large leaves of swiss chard 1 tablespoon of whole linseeds/flaxseeds 5 dates, chopped into tiny pieces Dressing: 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1 clove garlic, minced 1 tbsp red vinegar or apple cider vinegar 1/2 lemons, squeezed 1 pinch salt […]

Cranberry Relish

December 8, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Cranberry Cheer Coming up to Christmas can be time of great excess! For some it’s great fun, but for others, there is a worry about gaining weight and controlling appetite. However, Christmas is actually filled with healthy ingredients that can help achieve a balance with all of the other ingredients. Over the next few weeks […]

Diet and Chemotherapy - Banana and Spinach Smoothie

December 8, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Diet and Chemotherapy I’m getting more and more requests from people and organisations to develop recipes and menus for people undergoing chemotherapy - they want to know more about diet and chemotherapy. It can be a time when appetite is low and eating can be difficult. And yet, it is a time when eating a […]

Banana bread recipe

March 10, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Alternatives to something sweet Lent is often a time when people consider the habits they have and which ones they feel would be good to give up! Often, sweets and chocolates are top of the list or things to give up. So are there any alternatives in terms of sweet things to enjoy? One of […]

Pancakes full of goodness - Pear and Buckwheat

March 7, 2024
Posted by Lucy

  Eggs are an important part of the diet and for those who do not have any allergies to them, they are an essential source of nutrients. And what better way to enjoy them than in pancakes! Eggs are a complete form of protein, a great source of selenium (a powerful antioxidant) and iodine and can […]

Stewed Pear

February 15, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Pear Power To me, this time of year is a great time for pears. Whether they are chopped over bowl of porridge in the morning, stewed little with a little grated root ginger or poached in the oven, pears are great winter fruits. Yet there is much more to the common pear than you think. […]

Pumpkin, banana and chocolate muffins

August 20, 2023
Posted by Lucy

  I think I’m getting a little obsessed with muffins at the moment and must start trying other desserts. However, they are great as you can just throw anything in there to create as much goodness as you like. Here I’ve thrown in some ground Linseed (Irish Health Oils have now started doing ground Linseed […]

Super Green Smoothie

July 29, 2023
Posted by Lucy

    Super Green Smoothie 1 large handful of spinach or kale 2 tablespoons of yogurt 1 tablespoon of ground linseeds 1 apple - chopped Water Place the spinach and apple in a liquidiser and add a small glass of water. Whizz till the spinach is well liquidised. Add the yogurt and the linseeds and […]

Feta and watermelon salad

June 18, 2023
Posted by Lucy

  Its warm and the last thing you feel like doing is putting on the oven and cooking!!! I had this for dinner last night and it was superb - light and refreshing and so quick to make. Use half the watermelon for the salad and the next morning have the other half for breakfast […]

Banana and Blueberry Muffins

Wednesday 23rd April I was out at a training course all day and knew I’d get hungry. At 11 o clock the usual plate of biscuits and scones came out with the tea. Rather than fall into the trap of nibbling on them for the sake of it, I brought along these muffins as part […]

Apple Crumble

October 26, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Healthy Eating desserts: Apple Crumble This topping might be a leap of faith for some of you who are used to flour, butter and sugar. But we eat so much of this on a day to day basis, this is my attempt at something delicious but good in terms of healthy eating! Only add the […]

Apple pancakes

October 26, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Healthy Eating Breakfasts: Apple pancakes You can eat these pancakes for a nice healthy eating weekend breakfast - I did this morning with some Gubbeen sausages and it was delicious. You could also simply put a dollop of natural yogurt and a little maple or honey and make them into a dessert. This recipe makes 4 medium pancakes […]