Nutritionist Lucy Hyland

Testimonials from my Healthy Lifestyle Plan

Healthy lifestyle Plan

Healthy diet food solutionss

Below is some of the appreciation and feedback I've received from my wellbeing programmes and healthy lifestyle plans. I find change can be easier with support, inspiration and some practical tips and hints. Click HERE for more information on my healthy lifestyle plan and nutrition programs.

Read below for the some of the feedback from my recent healthy lifestyle plan and wellbeing courses:


"I searched for Lucy. I was fed up with pains and aches, stomach problems, acid reflux problems, and the effect on my sleep pattern. So, aged 62, I decided to take the initiative and seek out another way to deal with my health problems. And I found Lucy.

I discovered that eating healthy does not only mean recipes and foods. It means so much more. I learnt a lot from Lucy. My stomach has a brain! Yes it does!! It has been telling me things for years, which I have ignored. I have now acquired knowledge and skills, which have increased my wellbeing significantly.

I will miss my Skype sessions and my emails.. but will log into Lucy regularly to remind myself to listen to my stomach!

Thank you Lucy"

Maoiliosa, Portugal


"Yes, Im one of those people who thought healthy eating was boring and monotonous. But I couldn't believe how tasty and satisfying Lucy's healthy lifestyle recipe suggestions were. Even if there was one or two I wasn't sure of, there was always enough suggestions to allow me to create a plan that suited my tastes and get me out of some of those habits I've been in for years!"

Jeff, Birmingham



"Lately, I felt I wanted to get more focused on making dietary/lifestyle changes, so I signed up for Lucy's Living Digest program. It's a more affordable way to get her support and advice, and each email contains one topic to focus on, rather than trying to change everything and getting overwhelmed. There's also a section for comments and discussion, so I can get clarifications or ask for specific details. Having Lucy's support and a goal every three weeks is really great for me!”

Colleen, Cork


"I was confused with the whole idea of choosing foods that were good for my health. All I wanted was a simple plan and some easy rules to follow when I went shopping. The Digest was perfect for me as it allowed me to develop up a healthier diet over a number of months, trail different ingredients and recipes, and, most of all. give me the confidence to know that I was on the right track. Thanks Lucy"

Amanda, London


"I'd attended one of Lucy's workshops and liked her practical and down to earth approach to healthy eating. I have tried so many 'diets' over the years, but the online programme was much much more than a 'diet'. It was about learning about my health, my body and about the foods that suit me. I'm enjoying my new range of recipes and all the suggestions to keep myself on track."

Debbie, Dublin

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