Nutritionist Lucy Hyland

Green Pea Dip

April 12, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Monday, April 12th

What a weekend!!!! Sunshine and everyone feeling good. I hope everyone got out for their 20 minutes of sun with no factor on - remember that Vitamin D is essential in terms of your immune system and is blocked with sun block. Once you've got your 20 minutes and are going to stay out even longer, then put sun block on.

I had a friend round for dinner on Saturday night and came up with this dip to start - dips are great social way of starting a meal. I generally chop up some crudites (fingers of vegetables) - it sneakily means that people are getting in more of their 5 fruit and veg a day without even noticing!!!

Green peas are a good source of protein, containing 8 grams per cup, which means this dip can add to the protein content of the meal. It also contains 8 grams of fibre and so here are some suggestion for this dip as a great healthy eating meal or healthy eating snack:

Green pea dip with crudites as an afternoon snack and starter.

Green pea dip on whole meal toast with a side salad of rocket as a light lunch.

Green pea dip filled wrap with lettuce, chopped tomato and diced red pepper

Green pea dip as a salad topper on a mixed leaf salad with steamed purple sprouting broccoli and oven baked haddock (with a lovely extra virgin olive oil, lime and crakced pepper dressing) with for dinner.

Healthy eating Snacks : Green Pea Dip and veggie sticks

½ kg Frozen peas, cooked till skins are tender (but still green) and refreshed in cold water
1 medium red chilli-roughly chopped
2 Cloves garlic - chopped
1 tsp Ginger minced
2 sprigs of mint (leaves removed from stalk)
5 Sprigs coriander (stalks and all)
¼ cup Extra Virgin Olive oil
1 Tomato finely chopped
Salt and pepper

Puree all ingredients together except tomato in a food processor until smooth.

Season to taste and fold in chopped tomato.

Serve in a bowl with a selection of organic veggies (whatever you fancy), cut finger size.

Wheat free, gluten free, sugar free and dairy free

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