Nutritionist Lucy Hyland

Great Health Benefits of Garlic - with garlic pesto

April 15, 2024
Posted by Lucy

I've a great article in the Cork Independent on the health benefits of garlic and a yummy Wild Garlic pesto that I had for breakfast this morning on a slice of sour dough rye and a poached egg. I had a good handful of blueberries as I was making making breakfast - making it a complete meal.

The idea of having a complete meal for breakfast is so important in terms of your healthy eating plan, if you want to start our day on the right note and reduce those cravings for sweet things later in the day. So I had some protein (in the form of a poached egg), some whole grain carbohydrate (in the form of a sour dough rye toast) and some fibre (a handful of blueberries). Remember that basic rule for breakfast and you can't go wrong on healthy living!!

Wild Garlic Pesto

Wild Garlic Pesto


  • A large handful of wild garlic
  • 30 grams of cashews
  • 35 grams of Parmesan
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 8 fl oz extra virgin olive oil
  • A little sea salt, freshly cracked pepper and sugar to taste
  • Life long health begins with one recipe yet can continue with support and guidance. Click HERE for more


  1. If you have any stems with flowers on, remove flower heads and sprinkle over your dinner!
  2. Take stems and leaves and place in a food processor with garlic, cashews and Parmesan.
  3. Blitz for a minute until well mixed and then slowly add the olive oil while the machine is still running.
  4. Taste and if needed, add a little salt, pepper and sugar.
  5. Store in fridge covered with a little olive oil.
  6. A great healthy snack is this pesto on rye toast!
  7. Wheat free, gluten free, dairy free

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