Nutritionist Lucy Hyland

Quinoa and Rocket Salad

Friday 14th May

I'm just back from a photo shoot for an article I'm doing next week and I had a whole range of whole grains and fresh vegetables with me. The photographer was a bit puzzled by the quinoa and so I explained to him that this grain is considered a bit of a 'super grain'. Not only is it considered a wholegrain - keeping you full and satisfied for longer, but it is also high in protein (containing all nine amino acids!) and...... is high in manganese (a powerful antioxidant), magnesium and iron... that's alot for one little grain! Try this healthy recipe below as part of your healthy eating plan..

Healthy recipes: Quinoa and Rocket Salad

Serves 4 as a light lunch

200g of rocket
1 cup of quinoa

1-2 tablespoons of almonds - chopped roughly
1-2 tablespoons of walnuts - chopped roughly
1-2 tablespoons of sesame seeds


2 handfuls flat leaf parsley - chopped
1 tsp mustard (wholegrain or Dijon)
Juice of one lemon
50 ml extra virgin olive oil
Sea Salt and freshly cracked pepper

For the dressing: Mix all of the ingredients in a bowl. Add a little water if you wish.

Wash the quinoa well and place in a saucepan with 2 mugs of water and bring to the boil. Once boiling, turn down heat and let simmer for 15-20 minutes. Turn off and cool slightly. Fluff up with a fork when ready to serve.

Meanwhile, place the nuts under the grill or in a large pan and heat gently for a few minutes – watch them, they can burn very quickly! Throw the seeds in for the last minute.

Wash and dry the rocket leaves and place in a large bowl, adding in the quinoa and seeds and mixing well.

When ready to serve, add the dressing at the last moment.

If you are currently on a restricted diet and want some new ideas, contact me on

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