Nutritionist Lucy Hyland

Planning and Shopping

December 12, 2023
Posted by Lucy

OK.. so before you even get into the kitchen, you need to be prepared in terms of your ingredients and recipes. This begins at the start of the week, with some simple planning and some good shopping practices this really assists you in making positive steps towards healthy eating.

Be prepared:

Sit down once a week and make a plan for the week

Plan your meals

Check your larder and fridge (keep notepad and pen handy)

Create shopping list based on this

What should I be eating for the week?

•3-5 legumes or pulses

•2 servings of oily fish

•2 servings of fish/lean meat

•2 servings of meat

•6 eggs

•Small daily amount of nuts or seeds (handful)

What will be my grains and fruit/vegetables?


Shop the perimeter - Spend most of the time in the fresh produce section

Chose real foods – avoid anything with 5 or more ingredients. Read your labels

Don’t shop when hungry

•Try something different every week

•Try to buy organic and GM free foods

•Stock up on dried and tinned foods

Check out Check

Check your trolley

Is it filled with plenty of fruit and vegetables, whole grains and legumes and your choice of fish, dairy, meats, poultry

Are your grains unprocessed

Is there a rainbow?

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