Nutritionist Lucy Hyland

Your Larder and Fridge

December 11, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Your larder and fridge being well stocked up means there are alot greater chances of you producing a home cooked meal that will keep on the track of healthy eating.

When shopping, look around the world: Asia, South American, Mediterranean, Middle East, Caribbean all offer so much and these ingredients are available from your local food shops and supermarkets - so start exploring

Your Larder:

Spices: Cinnamon, nutmeg, cumin, coriander, turmeric, fennel

Herbs – keep dried herbs in reserve

Oils – buy unrefined, cold pressed oils, buy in dark bottle, store in cool dark place, don’t put too near heat when cooking. E.g. Extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, peanut oil

Vinegars - at least two types, E.g. balsamic and red/white/cider

Sauces e.g. soy sauce (Tamari brand is excellent) - always check soy sauce as it may have MSG, Mirin (sweet rice sauce), fish sauce, oyster sauce

Dried beans and pulses, grains and noodles, nuts and seeds

A range of flours – wholemeal, spelt, buckwheat

Natural sweeteners such as honey, maple syrup, apple juice, coconut or dark chocolate

Tins of chopped tomatoes, tinned fish (in spring water), coconut milk

Healthier cracker options such as oatcakes, rice cakes, seeded crackers

Counter top

Garlic, Fresh herbs, Ginger , Lemons and limes, Onions, Tomatoes , Sweet potatoes, Potatoes, Eggs

Get a fruit bowl




100% Nut or seed butters such as Tahini

Yogurt (natural and unsweetened)


Milk such as soya, rice, oat or dairy

Your vegetables, fish and meat for the week


Frozen sweet corn and peas

Chopped fresh ginger, lemongrass, chilli

Specialty breads, wraps, brown breads, rolls, brown bread scones

Smoked salmon or Smoked mackerel

Fresh fish fillet or steaks


Frozen soft fruits /blueberries (with no added anything!)

Home cooked left over's

2 thoughts on “Your Larder and Fridge

  • Hi Lucy
    I am creative with food leftovers, eg used cooked potatoes the following day, heated with a little milk, butter, garlic and herbs. I often wonder though if recooked food is less nutritious, are more nutrients lost in the second cooking phase.

    I am never sure when mushrooms are no longer safe to cook and eat, in particular if the are a little soft squidgy and a lttle brown in colour I have noticed that the flavour is still quiet good when cooked but worry that it may not be safe to eat them.
    many thanks julie.

  • Hey Julie

    Cooking will affect the nutrient quality of food - but cooking yourself at home with fresh ingredients will always be better than eating out or ready made meals. My only advice would be to keep cooking times to a minimum for vegetables and still have them a little crunchy when you eat them.
    With regard to mushrooms, if they are a little old, I generally wash them, remove their outside skin and any softer pieces and then cook them well. Usually, you do not wash mushrooms, rather you wipe them down with a damp piece of kitchen paper.
    Happy cooking

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