Nutritionist Lucy Hyland

Cooking and Equipment

December 9, 2023
Posted by Lucy

So now you have the ingredients... what are you going to do with them?


Best methods of cooking are steaming, grilling, stir frying and baking in terms of healthy eating.

Char grilling, frying, deep frying and cooking at high temperatures are less favourable - production of Acrylamides (mainly from grains) and HCA (highly cooked meats) linked to increased risk of cancer

Stove Top

Sauté – try coconut oil, peanut and extra virgin olive oil. A tiny amount of oil, then add ingredients to dish and then cover in a liquid such as water, lemon juice and soy sauce

Steaming – cut up into smaller pieces to reduce time and add sauce afterwards

Water sauté – add a little water, bring to scald and then add seasoning and vegetables and simmer and cover for cooked. Great for healthy eating.

Fast sauté – brush with oil, high heat, add vegetables, stir till done and add flavours at end and take off heat and let sit to let flavours permeate.


Invest in one good pan

Avoid cooking with aluminum, poor quality stainless steel, Teflon, or other synthetic cookware.

Good quality stainless steel pots recommended, along with cast iron pots : thick bottomed pans are best.

Stock up on old glass jars, large and small, and use to store produce.

Kitchen utensils – chopsticks or wooden spoon.

Clean chopping board and sharp knife (salt your chopping board to clean).

Always think of your next meal when you are making this one

Think about putting on extra so that you have the basics of your meal for the next night.

Cooking for a few days means you can come home late and simply re-heat with no effort.

Check the fridge/freezer

Look at your plate

Eat slowly and be present

Check your portion sizes

•Protein the size of your hand

•Half a cup of carbohydrates

•One a normal sized dinner plate, make sure edges are clean

•Use smaller plates and bowls

•Use smaller utensils

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