Nutritionist Lucy Hyland

Healthy Fish recipes and tips

December 8, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Fish Tips

Below are some healthy eating tips and recipe suggestions to help you achieve your healthy eating goals:

Oily, white and steaks

Great source of protein, Omega 3s and zinc, iron, selenium and vitamins A, C, D

Linked to brain health and heart health

Keep large fish consumption, tuna, swordfish, king mackerel to 1-2 month

Try to chose organic farmed where possible


10 minutes per inch

Grilling or baked best

Extra 5 minutes for wrapped or sauced fish

Reduce oil when frying – use a little water

Healthy Eating Recipe Ideas

Wrap fish in parchment

• Ginger, lemon and soy

•Garlic and onion and lime

•Finely chopped tomato, spring onion and dash of white wine

•Orange and lemon zest with white wine

•Dill, sliced onions, olives

•Chopped herbs

Sauce bases:

•Tomato, onions, cumin and coriander

•Chopped onions, leeks and Tahini (mixed with little water)

•Blended herbs (parsley, mint, coriander) with a little water


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