Nutritionist Lucy Hyland

Healthy Eating tips and cooking tips with Beans and Lentils

December 6, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Healthy Eating tips and cooking tips with Beans and Lentils

Some facts on Beans and Lentils

Wide variety available tinned (read label) and dried

Legumes include pulses and beans

Great source of protein, fibre and folate, potassium, iron and magnesium

Add to stews, salad, curry or chilli

Puree for dips

Use instead of meat or with it

Cooking with legumes

Add to pot of boiling water and leave for 1-2 minutes

Turn off heat and leave overnight

Drain off liquid and cook for 1 hour

Add Kombu, spices, bay leaf to cooking

Add salt or acidic flavours afterwards

Quickies: lentils, split peas and black eyed peas don’t need soaking

I have a number of recipes in my newsletter.


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