Nutritionist Lucy Hyland

Seeded Soda Bread

March 30, 2024
Posted by Lucy

I did a home based demo last night, which I always enjoy. It involves going into people's kitchen and showing them how to cook a range of healthy eating dishes and recipes. Last night was 8 friends, and one of the questions they asked was about bread. I gave them this very simple soda bread recipe to try. They were amazed at how quickly the soda bread was made and how easy a choice it was in terms of healthy eating. Try it out and make it a regular addition to your healthy eating plan.

Seeded Soda bread

By adding nuts and seeds to this bread you are increasing the beneficial essential fatty acids, the fibre and also the protein. Remember that brown flour contains much more nutrients and fibre than white. I find it easy to substitute brown flour for white in recipes.

Seeded Soda Bread

Seeded Soda Bread


  • 200g brown wholemeal or whole meal spelt
  • 100g plain white or white spelt
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon bread soda
  • 1 tbsp pumpkin seeds
  • 1 tbsp sunflower seeds
  • 1 tbsp linseeds/flaxseeds
  • 1 tbsp sesame seeds
  • 1/2 pint buttermilk (or goats milk rice, oat, soya milk and lemon juice)
  • Life long health begins with one recipe yet can continue with support and guidance. Click HERE for more


  1. Preheat conventional oven to 220oc
  2. If you are using soya (or other) milk with a dessert spoon of lemon juice and let sit for 20 mins.
  3. Mix all dry ingredients in bowl and make a well in centre. Pour all of the milk in. With one hand, stir in a full circle, starting in the centre and working out, until all flour is incorporated. The dough should be soft but not too wet and sticky. Turn out on to well flour surface.
  4. Roll gently in flour for a moment and then flip over and place on floured baking tray. Flatten lightly, to 2 inches.
  5. Make a deep cross in centre and bake in 220 oven for 15 mins and then turn down to 200oc for another 15 mins.
  6. It will sound hallow when tapped.
  7. Cool on wire rack. You can easily double this recipe but I generally prefer small loaves.
  8. Wheat free, sugar free and dairy free (if non dairy milk used)

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