Nutritionist Lucy Hyland

Apple pancakes

October 26, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Healthy Eating Breakfasts: Apple pancakes

Apple pancake

You can eat these pancakes for a nice healthy eating weekend breakfast - I did this morning with some Gubbeen sausages and it was delicious. You could also simply put a dollop of natural yogurt and a little maple or honey and make them into a dessert.

This recipe makes 4 medium pancakes - if you can make them a perfect circle you deserve a medal as the apple tends to affect the flow of the batter. You can make these like thin crepes or like smaller pancakes - I made them in between!!

a little peanut oil (or butter)
1 and a half oz of buckwheat flour(if coeliac) OR 1 oz of buckwheat flour and half oz of white plain or spelt flour
1 small egg
3 fl oz of soya milk (or other milk)
1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon or a little less
a dash of vanilla extract (if you have it)
dash of water
1 small apple
Sieve the flour(s) into a bowl.
Make a hollow in the centre and add in the egg and the soya milk (I hand whisked the egg and soya milk with a fork in the measuring jug before I added but you don't have to).
Add the cinnamon and vanilla at this stage.
Quarter and core the apples and grate into the mixture.
Give it all a good stir and add a dash of water.
Heat your frying pan nice and hot - I cooked on number 9 and the highest on my dial is 12).
Put a little of the peanut oil into the pan and swirl around.
Pour in 2 tablespoons of the mixture (or something similar) and swirl the mixture in the pan till you get a even spread. I used the back of the tablespoon to try to round the mixture.
Leave for a minute or so, when bubbles start popping through all over the mixture its generally done. Flip over and cook on the other side for another minute or so.
Place in a warmed oven while you cook the others.
If you feel you need it, add another little bit of oil for each pancake.

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