Nutritionist Lucy Hyland

Blackberry Tart

September 15, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Raw Blackberry Tart

I’ve been walking a lot over the last few weeks and have realised that there is a constant form of snack food along the way – the blackberries in the bushes! This is the perfect time of year to get out there and start foraging for your food. With a range of berries available along walk ways and paths, what are the benefits to health?

Blackberries, along with all of the summer and autumn berries, are superheroes of health. Blackberries are packed full of manganese and Vitamin C, two nutrients that act as anti-oxidants in the body. Anti-oxidants are very useful nutrients indeed, helping to protect us against the free radical damage we come up against in our day to day living. In addition, blackberries also contain a group of nutrients called phytonutrients, and these also turn into powerful anti-oxidants in the body.

A diet high in anti-oxidants protects our cell walls from damage, being useful against a huge array of diseases including heart disease, cancer and macular degeneration. In addition, blackberries are an excellent form of fibre, and thus can help to manage blood sugar levels.

The great thing about blackberries is that they can be eaten hot or cold. At this time of year I sprinkle some on my porridge in the morning or I stew them and have with some natural yogurt and toasted pumpkin seeds for a dessert – yummy!

Blackberry Tart

Blackberry Tart


  • Crust
  • 2-1/2 cups walnuts
  • 1-1/2 cups dates
  • Filling
  • 5 cups fresh blackberries
  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • 1 tbsp corn flour
  • 2 tbsp water
  • Life long health begins with one recipe but continues with a programme. Click HERE for more.


  1. Combine walnuts and pitted dates in a food processor. Process until well mixed and ground, but not smooth (about 40 seconds). It should have a coarse texture when done. Press into a 9-inch tart pan. Set in refrigerator while making the filling.
  2. Place 2 cups of the berries along with the corn flour in a blender. Add water and blend into a puree.
  3. Place puree in a small saucepan along with honey and cook over medium heat stirring constantly for about 3-4 minutes. It should lose its cloudiness and thicken. When it thickens and the cloudiness is gone remove it from heat. Mix with rest of the blackberries and fill tart shell. Refrigerate for at least 3 hours. Make sure it is covered so it doesn't pick up moisture from the refrigerator.
  4. Enjoy with a dollop of natural yogurt.
  5. Wheat free, gluten free, dairy free

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