Nutritionist Lucy Hyland

Coconut, lentil and kale soup

February 1, 2024
Posted by Lucy

I adore this soup and never realised that soy sauce with coconut milk would provide such a yummy result! If you are ever stuck with which legumes to use in a dish, lentils are great in that they don't need soaking or pre cooking (handy!) and are equally as good as all other legumes in terms of healthy eating. Lentils are a great source of protein, fibre and powerful anti-oxidants.

Coconut, lentil and kale soup

150g/6oz puy lentils
1 litre/1½ pint water
1 onion, chopped
2 fat garlic cloves, chopped
2 tsp ground cumin
250ml/9fl oz canned coconut milk
2-3 tbsp dark soy sauce (Tamari is best)
4 small handfuls of Kale, about 50g/2oz
sea salt
freshly ground black pepper
Rinse the lentils well or soak for 10 minutes.
Saute the chopped onion in a large saucepan in a little water for 5-10 mins.
Then add the lentils and enough cold water to just cover.
Boil for ten minutes, then add the remaining ingredients, except the kale and salt.
Reduce the heat and simmer for 20-30 minutes or until the lentils are tender
Add the kale at the last minute a stir through for a few minutes.
Add the salt to taste.
Serve immediately with warm flatbread, pita or naan

Wheat free, gluten free (if you chose Tamari), dairy free and sugar free

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