Nutritionist Lucy Hyland

Flaxseed and Apple Pancakes

October 20, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Flaxseed and Apple Pancakes

Flaxseeds are becoming more and more popular in health food stores and supermarkets and it’s no wonder! Nuts and seeds always seems to top the chart in terms of health benefits, being a great source of protein, good quality fats and a range of nutrients. However, flaxseeds provide something a little extra. So why are they so good?

These small yellow or brown seeds are generally called flaxseeds in Europe and linseeds in the US. What probably sets them apart from other seeds is their high Omega 3 oil content. Omega 3 oils have been linked to improved cardiovascular health (think of lowering those cholesterol levels and blood pressure) and can reduce the inflammation that is a significant factor in conditions such as asthma, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis.

In addition to their Omega 3 content, flaxseed also contains plenty of dietary fibre, manganese (a great antioxidant) and magnesium which helps you to relax. However, its important to remember that the only way you will get all of the great nutrients out of your flaxseeds in by grinding them. If you are looking for extra fibre in your diet, add whole flaxseeds, if you are looking for all of the nutrients and oils, grind them first.

I throw flaxseeds into just about everything – when I make my bread, muffins, scones or pancakes. They are also great to sprinkle on porridge in the morning or blend with yogurt and chopped fruit for a dessert or snack.

Flaxseed and Apple Pancakes

Flaxseed and Apple Pancakes


  • A teaspoon of oil
  • 1 ½ oz whole meal flour
  • 1 heaped tbsp ground flaxseed
  • 1 small egg – whisked with fork
  • 3 fl oz of soya milk (or other milk)
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 apple - grated
  • Life long health begins with one recipe but continues with a programme. Click HERE for more.


  1. Place flour, flaxseed, and cinnamon in a mixing bowl and add in the egg and milk.
  2. Give it all a good stir and add grated apple. Add a dash more milk if too thick.
  3. Add oil to frying pan and place on medium heat - use some kitchen paper to ensure the oil is covered evenly.
  4. Place 2 tablespoons of the mixture on the pan and circle gently with the back of your spoon to form a circle.
  5. Leave for a few minutes, when bubbles start popping through all over the mixture its generally done. Flip over and cook on the other side.
  6. Place in a warmed oven while you cook the others.
  7. Sugar free


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