Nutritionist Lucy Hyland

Health Benefits of Plant Oils

October 14, 2023
Posted by Lucy

I had so much fun with Deirdre, Diane and Catherine doing this 4 week 'Healthy Eating with Oils' programme with Newgrange Gold. I find that cooking and using plant oils for health is one topic that confuses many people. However, working with the Newgrange Gold Rapeseed and Camelina oils, we came up with the 'Nutrition Club' idea and over the 4 weeks we learnt and shared how to use, store, shop and cook with oils so that the health benefits could be maintained. I was impressed that the health benefits of the oils, such as reducing digestive disturbances, managing cholesterol levels and improving family health, could be experienced within such a short time. A little knowledge goes a long way. Enjoy.


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