Nutritionist Lucy Hyland

Courgette scones

September 30, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Courgette and Cheese scones

I find courgettes are at their best at the height of summer. They are sweet enough to chop or grate into salads. I also find that they are often on special offer, which means I have a few handfuls of them in my fridge. Courgettes are a great addition to breads, scones and... chocolate brownies.. yum. Its a double bonus, extra veggies in your diet and extra moisture in your brownies! These courgette scones are much tastier when made with wholewheat flour, and better for you as well!

Courgette scones

Courgette scones


  • 1 medium courgette
  • 1 cup (250g) Wholewheat flour, sieved (I used spelt)
  • 80g coarsely grated vintage cheddar or blue cheese
  • 1/4 cup (3 tbsp) finely chopped chives or parsley
  • 1/2 cup (125mls) of buttermilk or milk of your choice with a dash of lemon
  • Sea salt
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder


  1. Preheat the oven to 200°C. Lightly flour an oven tray. Coarsely grate the zucchini, wrap in paper towel and squeeze out excess moisture.
  2. Combine courgette, flour, cheddar or blue cheese, chives and salt in a large bowl. Gradually add the buttermilk and mix with your hands until a soft dough forms. Turn out onto a lightly floured surface and pat into a 2cm-thick piece.
  3. Use a 5 cm-round pastry cutter dipped in flour to cut out rounds from dough or simply turn a glass upside down and use that!
  4. Knead remaining dough and continue cutting until you have 16 scones.
  5. Place on tray and use a little leftover milk to cover each scone with a pastry brush.
  6. Sugar free

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