Nutritionist Lucy Hyland

Beef and Adzuki Stew

September 17, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Friday 17th September

Check out my blog today on where I give healthy eating tips and hints on beans and lentils. I've also put a lovely stew, perfect for the evenings that are getting cooler. Check it out below:

Cooking: Whether you are buying tinned or dried, please wash them thoroughly before use. If buying dried, firstly, boil a litre and a half of water, add 2 cups of adzuki, bring back to boil for a few mins and then cover, turn off heat and let sit overnight. Or if you are in a hurry, do the above and simply leave in for 1 hour. When time is up for either method, always pour off water down the drain, rinse and start cooking.

To cook, place adzuki beans in the saucepan and cover with a good bit of water, and bring to boil, and then turn down and gently simmer 20-30 mins (they will need longer if you have soaked them for only a short time). Feel free to add any flavours at this stage. Some people add a bouquet garni, some simply add a bay leaf and some people add some Kombu (sea vegetable)

I usually make mine in a big batch and either freeze in portions or keep in fridge for 2-3 days.

Beef and Adzuki stew – Serves 2

1 pound of stewing beef
1 cup of cooked adzuki beans (see above)
1 cup of barley – washed well
2 large carrots – diced imto similar sized cubes
2 medium onions – finely chopped
2 cloves of garlic – crushes
1 lemon
5 springs of thyme
1 tablespoon mustard
1 bay leaf
1 pint of chicken stock
6 french beans (optional)
Sea salt and freshly cracked pepper

Firstly heat a small bit of oil in a large saucepan (about a dessert spoon) and heat.
Add the stewing beef in batches and seal on all sides till grey.
Remove beef and add onions with a little water and sweat the onions for about 5-10 mins.
Add the barley, bay leaf, carrots, garlic, juice of the lemon, thyme and mustard and season with a little salt and pepper. Leave to sweat for a few minutes and add the beef and stock.
Bring to a boil and then reduce to a simmer and cook for 1 – 11/2 hours, checking every now and then. If you feel the barley is soaking up too much liquid, add a little more stock or boiling water.
Cook until the beef feels quite tender and then add the cooked adzuki beans and french beans (if you are adding them).
Stir well and check seasoning – you may want to add a little more salt or pepper at this stage. Cook for another 2 mintues.
Serve straight from the pot into a large bowl!

Wheat free, sugar free and dairy free

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