Nutritionist Lucy Hyland

Chocolate and Beetroot Brownies

August 5, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Thursday 5th August

Check out my article in the Cork Independent today with my tasty homemade brownies and find out why its better to cook things yourself.

Chocolate Brownies

300g beetroot
50g cashews
2 small eggs
Pinch of salt
80g dark chocolate (70%)
1 tbsp rice flour (or any flour)
35g cocoa powder
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon maple syrup

Line a baking tray with baking paper (I used a 8” by 4” tray).
Pre heat the oven to 160 oc.
Wash the beetroot well but don’t worry about cutting any of the bits off.
Quarter and place in a steamer and steam for about 20 mins. Allow to cool before peeling. Simply run a kitchen towel over them.
Place the chocolate in a bowl above some simmering water and melt.
Grind the cashews into a fine powder in a food processor, they turn into flour.
Beat the eggs with an electric beater for 5 mins, adding the pinch of salt.
Add the melted chocolate, followed by the maple syrup, followed by the vanilla extract, beating all the time.
Grate the beetroot or mash with a fork and beat into mixture.
Mix together the rice flour, cashew nuts and cocoa powder and fold into the egg mixture.
Place in the tin and cook for about 25 mins. Delicious!

Wheat free, gluten free

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