Nutritionist Lucy Hyland

Goats cheese and Beetroot salad

July 12, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Monday July 12th

I had a friend down for the week with her kids and there was little time for cooking with all the activities going on. It made me realise that summer is just perfect for quick and easy cooking. The most important thing is to have a range of foods in your fridge and cupboards and anything is possible....

Beetroot's are a great source of manganese and other powerful anti-oxidants as well as Folate/B9.

Healthy Eating recipe - Goats cheese and Beetroot salad

Serves 4

A bag of mixed leaves
4 small beetroots - peeled and grated
100g goats cheese
A small handful of mint leaves
50 mls extra virgin olive oil
Juice of lemon
Sea salt and fresly cracked pepper

Wash the salad leaves well and spin dry.

Place in a large bowl.
Add the grated beetroot leaves and finely chop the mint leaves - adding these as well.
Make the dressing by mixing the oil, lemon and a pinch of salt and pepper.
Mix all of the ingredients well. Then lastly add the goats cheese, stiring through gently.

Serve with some toasted wholemeal pitta.

Wheat free, gluten free, dairy free and sugar free

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