Nutritionist Lucy Hyland

Green Bean salad

July 13, 2023
Posted by Lucy

The markets and vegetable shops are just bursting with greens at the moment and they are all so fresh and tasty... I've recently joined the Kinsale Community Growers scheme which is the next best thing to growing your own! Each week I get a box of everything that has grown that week and this week I had green beans, runner beans, courgettes.. all a fabulous shade of green.

Green beans are an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin K and manganese. One cup of green beans supplies 25% of your daily required amount of Vitamin K, meaning very healthy bones.

Just prior to using the green beans, wash them under running water. Remove both ends of the beans by either snapping them off or cutting them with a knife.

Healthy Eating Recipes - Green bean salad

A bag of mixed salad leaves
150g green beans
1 spring onion - chopped
Half a red chili
50 ml extra virgin olive oil
1/4 teaspoon Dijon mustard
juice of half a lemon
Sea salt and freshly cracked pepper

Wash salad leaves well in a salad spinner.

Place green beans in a steamer and steam for a minute or two (alternatively drop in boiling water for a minute or two)

Remove and place in a colander and wash in cold water.

Remove water from the steamer or pan, leaving a tiny bit in the bottom. Through in spring onions and give them a good stir. Then add chili and give a good stir again. Remove from heat.

Throw in green beans and toss, adding a little extra virgin olive oil.

Make dressing by mixing remaining olive oil, lemon and Dijon well with a fork. Add salt and pepper if you wish.

Place salad leaves in a large bowl and throw in salad dressing and mix well. Place the green beans on top.

If this is going to be a side salad, its perfect with meats and fish. Or simply add a tin of lentils (wash and drained well) and have as the perfect evening supper.

Wheat free, gluten free, dairy free and sugar free

If you are interested in finding out how a nutrition consultation can help you, contact me on

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