Nutritionist Lucy Hyland

Leek and Tomato Frittata

June 8, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Tuesday 8th June

I went to lovely family brunch on Sunday morning and I'd forgotten just how much fun brunch is. Brunch really means breakfast and lunch combined, so usually means you can throw anything on the table and people will accept it. One dish that went down particularly well was the frittata and reminded me what a great and healthy dish this is. I'd make a frittata once every week or two and the contents of it really depends on what is in my fridge at any moment!

If you come home from work or need to rustle up a good meal in record time, then frittatas are for you. The one we had on the weekend had potatoes, sun dried tomatoes, goats cheese, mushrooms and fresh herbs - a real mish mash. This one is based on what I have in the fridge at the moment, but vary it as you like.

Leek and Tomato Frittata

Serves 2

4 eggs
A dash of milk (what type you want)
1 medium red onion - finely chopped
10 cherry tomatoes - halved
1 leek - finely chopped
1 tbsp of chopped chives
1 tbsp of chopped parsley
Seas salt and freshly cracked pepper

A sprinkling of goats cheese, if you have it

Place the chopped onions in a large saucepan over a medium heat and add a little water. Saute them for 5 mins until translucent.
Add the leeks and saute for another 5 mins - if the pan gets dry, add a little more water.
Add the halved chopped tomatoes wide part down and cook for 5 mins until they start to soften. Turn over and cook for another few mins.
Meanwhile whisk the eggs with a fork and add a dash of milk. Add the fresh herbs and season with a little salt and pepper.
Gently pour the egg mixture over the pan and sprinkle on the goats cheese (if you have it)
Leave to cook for a few minutes and then transfer to under a hot grill. When it starts to brown on top and is not running in the middle - its cooked.
Serve in the pan, cutting it into slices. Serve with a little whole grain toast.

Wheat free, gluten free, sugar free

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