Nutritionist Lucy Hyland

Roasted tomato and pinto bean salad

September 1, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Wednesday September 1st

Read my blog today on Local Markets for some interesting facts about tomatoes!

I've included the recipe below to give you a taster!

Roasted tomato and pinto bean salad

For this recipe I've stolen Nigella's great way of roasting tomatoes called 'moon blushing'. Simply cut about 400g of cherry tomatoes in half, place on a baking tray and sprinkle some dried thyme and a little sea salt and black pepper. Preheat the oven to 220 oc and place the tomatoes in the oven, turn the heat off and go to bed. Don't open the oven door for at least 8 hours - perfect tomatoes.

If you equally keen, you can get a few beetroots, slice them thinly and place them on a roasting tray and stick then in with the tomatoes. They make lovely crisps!

400g roasted tomatoes
A bag of mixed lettuce leaves (about 150g) - washed
1 tin of pinto beans - drained and washed well
1 medium summer courgette
beetroot crisps - optional

Juice of 1 lemon
30ml extra virgin olive oil
3 tbsp freshly chopped coriander, basil and mint (or what ever variety you want)

Serves 4 for lunch

Mix the ingredients for the salad together in a large bowl.
In a small jar, mix the ingredients for the dressing well.
Toss dressing over salad just as you serve.

Wheat free, gluten free, dairy free, sugar free

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