Nutritionist Lucy Hyland

Sweet Potato and Goats Cheese Frittata

August 16, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Monday 16th August

What a great break - there is nothing like the simple salads and fresh fish of Spain to keep you healthy on holidays!!!

Check out my article in the Cork Independent for a quick and easy quick with no pastry!!! It appeared last Thursday but I'm only back from my hols now.

Sweet Potato and Goats Cheese Frittata

Serves 4

1 medium sweet potato – peeled and diced into ½ inch cubes
6 eggs
1 red onion – finely chopped
100g spinach – chopped
3 oz goats cheese – crumbled
2 tablespoons chopped parsley, coriander, mint and thyme (whatever herbs you like)
A dash of water or milk
Sea salt and freshly cracked pepper

Sauté the red onion in a little water for 5 mins or until translucent on a medium heat.
Steam the sweet potato in a steamer for 5-10 mins until soft.
Mix the eggs with a hand whisk and add the dash of water or milk. Add the herbs and salt and pepper to taste.
Pour the egg mixture into the pan with the onions, sprinkle over the spinach, sweet potato and crumbled goats cheese.
Leave for 5 mins to set and then transfer the pan to under a hot grill to brown for a few minutes.

Wheat free, gluten free and sugar free

If you are interested in having a menu designed specifically for you or your family, contact me on

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