Nutritionist Lucy Hyland

Yogurt Brown Bread

August 24, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Wholewheat bread at its best!

I just found a bit of yogurt in the fridge that was almost past its best! Rather than throw it out, I thought I'd make some bread with it... I love the idea of yogurt bread as I find many people can digest yogurt a little easily than milk - you'll often find this with fermented products. I also, in my usual fashion, have added some seeds and oats to this to make it even more fiber filled, keeping hunger away for hours.....

Yogurt Brown Bread

Yogurt Brown Bread


  • Yogurt Brown Bread
  • 2oog wholegrain flour (I used Spelt)
  • 50g white flour (I used Spelt)
  • 1 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda
  • 2 tbsp sesame seeds
  • 2 tbsp linseeds
  • 2 tbsp pinhead oatmeal(optional)
  • 200ml of live yogurt
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • A little water, if necessary
  • Life long health begins with one recipe yet can continue with support and guidance. Click HERE for more


  1. Preheat oven to 200 oc (FAN)
  2. Sieve the flours and bicarb of soda into a mixing bowl and add the salt.
  3. Sprinkle in the sesame and linseeds (you can toast them first in a dry pan for 5 mins if you want) and add the oatmeal.
  4. Mix well with a hand whisk. Form a hole in the centre.
  5. Pour in the yogurt and with one hand, stir in a full circle, starting in the centre and working out, until all flour is incorporated. The dough should be soft but not too wet and sticky. If it is too dry, ad a little of the water at a time till all of the mixture sticks.
  6. Turn out on to well flour surface.
  7. Roll gently in flour for a moment and then flip over and place on floured baking tray. Flatten lightly, to 2 inches.
  8. Make a deep cross in centre and bake in 200 oc oven for 15 mins and then turn down to 180 oc for another 15 mins.
  9. It will sound hallow when tapped. Cool on wire rack.
  10. Sugar free

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