Nutritionist Lucy Hyland

Increase your Metabolism

September 21, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Tuesday 21st September

I found this article from Jesseny Rojas and thought you would find it interesting! Always remember that good health is as much about good nutrition as it is about keeping active...

6 ways to revitalize your metabolism

By Jesseny Rojas

The key to losing weight and keeping it off is to increase the rate your body utilizes stored energy. Energy is stored in the body in the form of fat.

The manner in which our body uses fuel from food and converts it into energy is created by the metabolism. The metabolism produces physical and chemical reactions in order to give us the ability to think, breathe, keep warm, move and grow.

We all have our own unique basal metabolic rate (BMR). This is the amount of energy one "burns" to stay alive at rest. The good news for those wishing to lose weight is that we have the ability to change our BMR. Age and genetics are always to blame on the slowing of one’s metabolic rate; however, the simple truth about revving up your internal furnace is to understand that it is more than just calorie counting.

Here are 6 ways you can increase your metabolism.

1. Eat frequent smaller meals

Waiting too long before fueling yourself with food will cause your body to panic and hold on to fat as stored energy. Think about this for a second: If your last meal of the day was at 7 pm and the next meal you ate wasn’t until noon the following day, your body has just gone 17 hours without any fuel. Skipping meals slows down the metabolism, sends your blood sugar levels out of control and likely causes you to overeat later in the day when your metabolism is at its slowest.

2. Challenge your muscles

Stimulating muscle growth through resistance training increases the metabolism and burns fat, even at rest. Muscle burns more energy than fat because it demands more fuel due to it being a denser tissue.

Incorporating a total-body resistant program three days a week for 30-45 minutes will prove to have great results in your body’s fat burning process.

3. Break a sweat

Working at a heart-rate level of 75 percent intensity or higher will boost your metabolic rate during and after exercising. Integrating interval training into your weekly routine will surely fire up a sluggish metabolism. Interval training involves short bouts of high-energy cardiovascular exercise combined with periods of lower-intensity exercises.

For example:

• Warm up for 3-5 minutes at a low intensity
• Do 30 seconds to 1 minute of high-intensity exercise immediately followed by 30 seconds to 1 minute of low intensity exercise; repeat 5-8 times
• Cool down for 3-5 minutes at a low intensity

4. Stay hydrated

Every system of our body depends on water in order for it to work efficiently and effectively. Drinking water daily encourages ideal functioning of our cells, organs and musculoskeletal system. Not enough water causes dehydration and fatigue and a slower metabolism.

5. Sleep

Our biological clocks and hormone levels rely heavily on a good night's sleep. Getting between seven and eight hours a night allows your body time to repair, regenerate and rebuild the cells that work to stimulate the metabolism. Sleeping less than six hours creates stress on the body. It keeps it in a constant "breakdown" state that results in an unfavorable response on your metabolism.

6. Be mindful

Stay aware of the connection between your mind and body when exercising. Focus on the muscles working, how your body is feeling and the sweat caused by the heat created by the moving body. Reading while on the elliptical machine disconnects you from the purpose of the intended action you are engaged in.

If you would like to know how a nutrition consultation could help you, contact me on

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