Nutritionist Lucy Hyland

Calcium levels in food

February 23, 2024
Posted by Lucy

Wednesday 23rd February

Just thought I would share this chart with you. We tend to be a little bit dairy obsessed in this country when it comes to calcium, but I believe a healthy diet is a varied diet, where we get all our daily nutrients from a range of foods. You might find that some vegetables have a higher amount of calcium per calorie than dairy, which is good for both the waistline and your bone density.

It is also important to note that calcium is only one of the nutrients involved in bone density and that a healthy diet overall can assist with our bone health.

Best sources are foods that contain calcium along with the important co-factors such as magnesium, phosphorus, as well as zinc, copper and boron. Vitamin D aids absorption

Foods which cause imbalance in calcium stores include excessive sodium, caffeine, the phosphates in carbonated beverages, and excessive consumption of protein.

Food Serving Amount (MG) Also contain important co-factors
Spinach 1 cup 244.8 Mag, zinc
Collard Green 1 cup 26.1 Mag
Basil 2 tsp 63.4
Cinnamon 2 tsp 55.7
Yogurt 1 cup 447.4 Phos, zinc
Swiss chard 1 cup 101.5 Mag, zinc
Cheese, low fat 1 oz 183.1
Kale 1 cup 93.6 Mag
Milk, low fat 1 cup 296.7 Phos
Goats milk 1 cup 325.7
Rosemary 2 tsp 28.2
Romaine lettuce 2 cups 40.3
Celery 1 cup 48 Mag
Sesame seeds ¼ cup 351 Mag, Phos, zinc, copper
Broccoli 1 cup 74 Mag, zinc
Cabbage 1 cup 46.5
Green beans 1 cup 57.5 Mag
Courgette 1 cup 48.6 Mag, zinc
Garlic 1 oz 51.3
Tofu 4 oz 100 Mag
Brussels Sprouts 1 cup 56.2
Oranges 1 cup 52.4
Asparagus 1 cup 36 Zinc,
Crimini mushrooms 5 oz 25.5 Mag, zinc

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