Nutritionist Lucy Hyland

Home made Pizza

July 7, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Homemade Healthy pizza

The great thing about pizza is you can make up whatever you want. You can use rocket, mushrooms, sliced fennel etc. Add your favourite herbs; fresh coriander, parsley, chives or thyme works well, or whatever cheeses you want; feta, goats' cheese, mozzarella, cheddar etc

Home made Pizza

Home made Pizza


  • 3 wholemeal pitta breads
  • Homemade tomato sauce (I've given this recipe before or see a quick version below)
  • 1 red pepper – cut in half and finely sliced
  • A handful of baby spinach
  • 1 ball of mozzarella (around 125g) – torn into shreds
  • A sprinkle of extra virgin olive oil
  • Chopped parsley
  • Freshly cracked pepper


  1. For a quick tomato sauce, simply saute a finely chopped onion in a little water for 5 mins. Add 3 chopped up tomatoes, a pinch of salt and pepper, 1 crushed garlic and cook for another 5-10 mins – hey presto!!
  2. Half the pitta breads, place them on baking tray and put under medium grill.
  3. Leave for a few minutes so that they start to toast.
  4. Sprinkle them with a little extra virgin olive oil.
  5. Cover them in the home made tomato sauce, sprinkle the peppers, parsley and spinach on top. Then place the shredded mozzarella on top with a little freshly cracked pepper.
  6. Place under the grill for 5 mins or until the cheese has melted.

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