Nutritionist Lucy Hyland


May 24, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Monday 24th May

This may have a funny name but it is the most simple of recipes and perfect for a lunch time or afternoon snack. I have half a cucumber left in my fridge after a cooking class last week and wondered what to do with it.

Cucumbers are great for healthy eating coming into the summer. They are a mostly made up of water and are good to cool you down during the hot weather. However, they contain a good amount of Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and caffeic acid, which have been shown to prevent water retention, which may explain why cucumbers applied topically are often helpful for swollen eyes, burns and dermatitis.

Healthy Eating Snack: Tzatziki

½ cucumber, peeled and finely diced
150g/5oz thick Greek-style yogurt
1 clove garlic, crushed
2 tbsp fresh mint, finely chopped
salt and freshly ground black pepper

Place ingredients (except cucumbers) in a bowl and mix well. Stir through the cucumbers gently and serve on some toasted pitta and a fresh salad.

Wheat free, gluten free, sugar free

Other suggestions for healthy snacks include:

As a afternoon snack with chopped vegetables
As a morning snack on oatcakes or crackers
As a spread in your favourite sandwich - as a filler or instead of butter and mayo
As a topping to a fresh salad

If you are interested in receiving a one on one nutrition consultation to help you assist you in your healthy goals, contact me on

2 thoughts on “Tzatziki

  • Hi Lucy, that’s a great recipe. The crushed garlic is good too for helping to keep the intestines healthy. I use yoghurt mixes like this to dollop on rice pilaff or pilau dishes, or they are great as a topping for casseroles too.

    I think you’re right that cucumbers do help to release water retention. Cucumber juice is good in the warm weather and can be mixed with other more concentrated vegetable juices.

  • Great Linda
    Glad you liked them. I came up with another dip last night while playing in the kitchen - I’ll post it today or tomorrow. I agree that it is so easy to add them as a topping on rice dishes, casseroles or even soups. I think at this time of year they are a perfect healthy eating addition to salads!!! thanks again, Lucy Hyland

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