Nutritionist Lucy Hyland

New Potato Salad

June 3, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Friday 3rd June

Check out my article in the Cork Independent featuring asparagus or read below:

The New Year of Food

It’s almost like New Years Eve again. We are finished with May, the ‘Hungry Month’, where the crops from the last growing season have come to an end while the new round of crops is still growing. It’s easy to forget that fruits and vegetables have seasons as we have become accustomed to having things all year round! This new season is always heralded by the nations favourite.... the new potato.

I was in the market the other day and saw my first glimpse of the new potatoes, although many of them still looked a little small. Potatoes provide a good source of energy and are also relatively cheap, making them a great way to complete a meal. Potatoes are one of the 12 main vegetables that pesticide residues are found so if you can buy organic, please do. Otherwise wash really well before use.

Potatoes are best stored out of the fridge and in a cold dark place. The healthiest way of cooking potatoes are steaming and baking. Potatoes are known as a starchy vegetable and for anyone concerned with weight I tend to reduce down the portion size as the day goes on. Potatoes are also part of the nightshade family, which have been linked to aggravating inflammatory disorders such as arthritis.

However, potatoes are a good source of many nutrients such as Vitamin C, B6, copper and potassium, as well as a group of antioxidants known as Carotenoids. These make potatoes a beneficial vegetable in terms of good health, as well as promote heart and nervous system health.

This is my favourite new potatoes salad and I’m using health friendly extra virgin olive oil rather than mayonnaise.

New Potato Salad – Serves 4

800g of new potatoes
A small handful of mint leaves – finely chopped
2 tablespoons of fresh parsley – finely chopped
2 tbsp chives – chopped
8 spring onions – finely chopped
Salt and pepper
6 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Juice of 1 lemon
1 teaspoon mustard
1 clove of garlic crushed
freshly milled pepper

Place the new potatoes in a steamer with a few sprigs of mint (if you have some) and steam for 20 minutes until just cooked – they should be firm but tender. Make dressing by mixing ingredients.
Drain potatoes, place them in a bowl and gently mix in the dressing and herbs while they are still hot.
Season and allow to cool.

Wheat free, gluten free, sugar free, dairy free

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