Nutritionist Lucy Hyland

Online Nutritionist testimonials

September 16, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Are my Online Nutritionist services right for you?

I just love doing my work as an online nutritionist. It allows me to work with people all over the world, and it allows me to work in a way that is deeply motivating and truly inspirational. Here a few recent testimonials from people who have used my online nutritionist services:

"I knew I wanted to change and I knew the time was right. But, what I didn't know was how I was going to change and how I was going to break those old habits. Working with Lucy was one of the most liberating experiences of my life. She allowed me to create the type of healthy lifestyle that was right for me. Her work, through image making and gentle questioning, helped to realise the type of life I wanted, and then provided me with al the practical guidance and support to carry this out". Maria, Portugal


"Thanks Lucy! For the first time in ages I'm excited about going into my kitchen. After years of dieting and the weight watchers model, I've been told to avoid my kitchen. But working with you has allowed me to celebrate going into my kitchen and start to love cooking again. I'm looking forward to eating food for the first time in years" Rilla, London


“I never felt as though I was missing out on meat or fish. I became vegetarian at eight and had always enjoyed experimenting with new flavours and cuisines.

Until life got hectic! Then all thoughts of vegetarian nutrition fell by the wayside. I put the time and energy I had into meals for the family, while my own nutrition was relegated to the bottom of my list of priorities. Barely an afterthought. I would simply make do with the family meal, minus the meat or fish.

That’s fine for a short burst, but as the busy days turned into months, I felt my health and general wellbeing suffer. Enough was enough. I turned to Lucy for help in structuring my meals. As it turned out, Lucy did that and a lot more besides!

Over the following few appointments, Lucy taught me how to approach vegetarian nutrition in a wholesome way. She opened my eyes to new food combinations, which transformed my tired old reliables into exciting new meals. With the clever tricks and tips that Lucy gave me, I can now quickly adapt our family meals into wholesome vegetarian meals in a flash.

I would recommend Lucy to anyone who feels that they have lost their way when it comes to their nutrition.” Sibeal, Cork

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