Nutritionist Lucy Hyland

Pumpkin and Rocket Gnocchi

November 4, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Pumpkin and Rocket Gnocchi

I just love these tasty gnocchi from the cookbook 'Soup and Beyond' and I think they are great with just a sprinkling of extra virgin olive oil and some grated Parmesan. One little tip is take out a little extra rocket and nibble it while you are cooking these. The bitter flavour of the rocket helps to stimulate the digestive system, which assist with healthy eating, and get the body ready for eating, thus helping you to digest your meal.

A small sized pumpkin (about 700g)
110g plain flour (I use spelt)
50g Parmesan cheese, grated
50g rocket leaves, chopped
50g basil leaves, chopped
1 egg
salt and freshly ground pepper
Peel and chop the pumpkin into 1 inch cubes and steam for about 10 mins
Drain very well and then mash until smooth.
Sieve in the flour and beat well.
Add in the rocket, basil and Parmesan.
Beat in the egg and turn out onto a floured surface.
Knead mixture briefly and then divide into 4.
Roll each piece with your hands into a 2.5 cm cylinder.
Cut into 2.5cm dumplings.
Drop the dumplings into boiling salted water and when they rise to the surface they are cooked.

Sugar free.

Use gluten free flour is you want to make this gluten free

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