Nutritionist Lucy Hyland

Recipe for cheese scones

November 29, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Anyone in the mood for some comfort food? I designed this recipe for cheese scones just for this!

These cold days just lend themselves to huge bowls of soup and hot scones.

Scones can be given a bad wrap from a health perspective. They can be filled with sugar, white flour, and dried fruit. As a result, their nutrient content can low and although they fill you for a while, within an hour or so you will be craving more.....sugar and carbs!

So, my answer, as always is: make your own.

I have created this recipe for cheese scones with fibre rich wholewheat flour and seeds which will help you feel full for so much longer. I have also added an egg and some cheese, making them a protein rich version of a scone, perfect for lunch or a mid morning snack.

Recipe for cheese scones

Recipe for cheese scones


  • Dry:
  • 300g brown/wholewheat flour (I use spelt)
  • ½ tsp baking and bread soda
  • 100g white flour (I use spelt)
  • 2 tbsp sunflower seeds
  • ½ tsp cayenne
  • Salt and pepper
  • 60g of chedder or other hard cheese
  • Wet:
  • 300mls buttermilk
  • 1 egg


  1. Preheat oven to 220 oc
  2. Sieve the flours and the baking powder into a large mixing bowl. Then add the cayenne, cheddar, sunflower seeds, salt and pepper. Make a hole in the centre of the mixture.
  3. In the meantime, mix the eggs and the buttermilk in a measuring jug and then pour into the hole of the mixture.
  4. Mix together well with a wooden spoon.
  5. Tip the mixture out on to a floured surface, pressing down on the mixture slightly so that it is about 1-2 inches thick. Cut into scone sizes. I use an upside down small glass.
  6. Place on a floured baking tray and place in over for around 15 minutes.
  7. Remove from tray and place on a cool wrack.
  8. Sugar free



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