Nutritionist Lucy Hyland

Warming Carrot and Ginger soup

October 12, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Healthy Eating recipes: Warming Carrot and Ginger soup

This is a lovely winter healthy eating soup as its got a nice kick from the ginger. Ginger is one of the best spices going, if there was a category 'Super spices', this would be in the top three. It is excellent for calming digestive problems and feelings of nauseousness, but also contains powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. This is not the last you'll hear about ginger!

If you decide not to add the beans, then please add some protein if you are going to have this soup as a meal. You can do this by having some hummus and brown bread on the side, or by having some a bowl of yogurt with fresh fruit for dessert.

1 tin of haricot beans
4 carrots washed and grated/chopped
2 small red onions, chopped
2 inches of fresh root ginger
1 teaspoon spoon of runny honey
Juice of 1 lime
Salt and pepper to taste
1 litre of boiling water
Place the onions in a large saucepan over a medium heat and add a few drops of water.
Grate the ginger and add to onions.
Add a little more water if necessary, cover and let sweat for 5 mins, stirring occasionally. You don;t want to pan to go dry.
Add carrots, lime juice, honey, salt and pepper and stir well. I find this soup needs a good bit of pepper.
Add the boiling water and bring back to the boil.
Cover and let simmer for 35-45 mins.
Drain and wash the haricot beans and add to soup.
Take off heat and blitz with a hand blend or a liquidiser.
This is a great soup to freeze. Freeze in individual portions in plastic containers or it will keep for 3/4 days in the fridge.

Wheat free, gluten free, dairy free and sugar free

For information on why carrots are good for you read this post .... click here

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