Nutritionist Lucy Hyland

Spicy Pumpkin Soup

November 4, 2023
Posted by Lucy

Healthy Eating recipes: Spicy Pumpkin Soup

This is a great winter warming healthy eating soup and is just so tasty. If you are going to have it as a meal, its great as a lunch at work or when you get home late from work and don't have much time, then always add a little protein to the meal, I like it with hummus on brown bread or you could have a sliced boiled egg on some brown toast. Remember that when you sprinkle a little herbs on top of soup, you are not just decorating it or adding flavour, you are also adding even more beneficial antioxidants to the dish

2 onions, chopped
3 cloves of garlic
1 kg pumpkin (peeled and chopped)
2 teaspoons cumin
2 teaspoons coriander
4 cardamom pods (bruised slightly)
1 teaspoon of chilli powder
Salt and pepper to taste
1 1/2 pints of boiling water
Heat the cumin and coriander in a large saucepan and remove as they start to smell and grind.
Chop or grate the garlic and leave to one side.
Heat a little water in the saucepan and add the onions.
Stir well, cover and let sweat for 10 mins.
Bruise cardamom pods by bashing slightly so they open a little.
Add pumpkin, ground cumin and coriander, cardamom, chili and garlic stir well.
Cover and leave for around 10 mins, steaming away.
Add the boiling water and bring back to the boil.
Cover and let simmer for 15 mins. Try to remove the cardamom pods before blending.
Remove from the pan and liquidise with a hand blender or a liquidiser.
This is a great soup to freeze. Freeze in individual portions in plastic containers.
Or it will keep for 2/3 days in the fridge.

Wheat free, dairy free, gluten free, sugar free

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